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Teaching Social Studies Grades 7-12 Minor, B.S.Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate

B.S.Ed., Secondary Standard Certificate

Minor Map

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Students planning or considering a minor in social studies education are urged to consult with an advisor as early as possible in their college career. Students are required to pair this minor with another secondary education minor in another field.

  1. EDU 107 must be completed with a B or higher.
  2. Students must adhere to the Teacher Candidate Dispositions set by the Education Preparation Program.
  3. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 GPA must be earned in the required content courses.
  4. A minimum cumulative average of a 2.8 GPA is required to complete the student teaching clinical experience.
  5. All required coursework for the Secondary Social Studies (7-12) minor must be completed prior to student teaching.
  6. Students must complete all required clinical hours for each individual course.
  7. Students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA in all required professional education courses (SSC 250, SSC 301WI, SSC 350WI, and SSC 370).


Program Requirements

Required Courses I - History (9 hours)

HST 112The Struggle for Equality: The United States, 1865-Present


HST 202World History since 1400


HST 301The Craft of History


Required Courses II - Geography (6 hours)

GEO 121Human Geography and Globalization


GEO 395Geography of Michigan: Inquiry-based Examination of Humans and Environment


Required Courses III - Political Science (3 hours)

PSC 105Introduction to American Government and Politics


Required Courses IV - Economics (3 hours)

ECO 201Principles of Macroeconomics


Required Courses V - Social Studies Methods (10 hours)

SSC 250Introduction to Social Studies Methods


SSC 301WICore Social Studies Teaching Practices


SSC 350WIAdvanced Social Studies Methods I


SSC 370Secondary Social Studies: Pre-Student Teaching Seminar


Total: 31 semester hours