Rehabilitation and Medical Sciences, School of
Course Designators: ATR, FNS, NDS, NUR, PHA
For information, contact:
Athletic Training, HPB 1222, 989-774-1054;
Nursing Program, HPB 1222, 989-774-1054
Nutrition and Dietetics, Wightman 205; 989-774-2613
Physician Assistant Program, HPB 1222, 989-774-1730
Programs at CMU
The School of Rehabilitation and Medical Science includes undergraduate programs in Athletic Training, Foods and Nutrition, and RN-to-BSN (nursing) for current RNs. See also the Pre-Professional Studies section in the Undergraduate Bulletin for Pre-Physician Assistant programs or visit
Graduate programs are offered in Athletic Training, Physician Assistant Studies and Nutrition and Dietetics. The Physician Assistant Studies program is a 27-month program that offers a Master of Science degree. For a detailed description of admissions requirements, prerequisite coursework and the professional curriculum for graduate programs, please consult the Graduate Studies Bulletin.
The Faculty
Domenico Ausiello, Robert Bell, Michael Fillenworth, Jeff Fisher, Katie Flannery, Elizabeth Frutiger, Ahmad Hakemi, Roschelle Heuberger, Chris Hamlyn, Leslie Hildebrandt, Kechinyere Iheduru-Anderson, Rawia Khasawneh, Yeonsoo Kim, Debra Kimball-Christie, Lixin Li, Blaine Long, Brittany Reiber, Dale Russell, Audrey Shaw, René R. Shingles, Basheer Sufyan, Marlene Van Dyke, Emily Webster, Najat Yahia, Erika Zambarano
The Programs
Athletic Training Major
Nursing Major (RN-to-BSN)
Dietetics Major
Nutrition Minor