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Global Campus Refunds

Drop or Withdraw from a CMU Global Campus Course:

  • A Drop occurs prior to the course start or prior to the second meeting time for face-to-face classes or prior to the second week for CMU Online classes.
  • A Withdrawal occurs after second meeting time for face-to-face classes or after the first week for online classes and before the midpoint.

Important Information Regarding Course Drops and Withdrawals for All Global Campus Classes:

  • Drops and withdrawals are done by the student, within the permitted time frame for doing so, through the Course Search and Registration System within CentralLink.
  • Withdrawals after the midpoint are not permitted.
  • Students who cease or fail to attend (virtual or otherwise), without formally dropping or withdrawing from the course will receive a grade of “E.”
  • Telephone requests to drop or withdraw will not be accepted.
  • In the event that a student is not able to drop or withdraw from a course online through Centralink, the student must immediately notify their program administrator in writing for assistance.
  • Drops and withdrawals can and do affect your financial aid eligibility. For more information go to

For more information and a schedule of refund percentages, consult the most current CMU Bulletin ( For a Course Drops/Withdrawals Chart, see

Global Campus Refund Policy

Application fees, main campus enrollment fees, prior learning assessment credit fees, and graduation fees are not refundable. Competency Assessment Workshops are fully refundable prior to the first meeting time and nonrefundable after the first meeting time.

Tuition refunds requested prior to the beginning of the course shall be made in full. Tuition refunds requested after the beginning of the first class meeting time or within the first week of an online class and before the second class meeting or before the second week of an online class shall be refunded 100%, less the $50 withdrawal fee. Tuition refunds requested after the beginning of the second class meeting time or in the 2nd week of an online class and before the midpoint of the course shall be refunded in proportion to the calendar time remaining in the course, less a $50 withdrawal fee, according to the refund chart at the end of this section. Students may not withdraw after the midpoint of the course.

See the chart below.

Global Campus Refund Chart for Course Drops and Course Withdrawals

All students dropping or withdrawing from courses after the start date and time will be assessed a $50.00 fee in addition to the refund percentage in the chart below. Also, all withdrawals and drops require written notification to the center in which you are taking the course. See chart below for refund percentages.

 CMU Online Course Format 16-week class 12-week class 8-week class N/A N/A N/A N/A
Face-to-Face Course Format 16-week class 12-week class 8-week class 5-week class 1-week class 4 wknds 3 wknds
Face-to-Face Course
Meeting Times
16 meetings 12 meetings 8 meetings 10 meetings 5 meetings 8 meetings 6 meetings
Course Drops:
Prior to the second meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the second week for CMU Online 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Course Withdrawals:
Prior to the third meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the third week for CMU Online. 75% 75% 75% 75% 50% 75% 75%
Prior to the fourth meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the fourth week for CMU Online. 75% 75% 50% 75% 0% 50% 0%
Prior to the fifth meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the fifth week for CMU Online. 75% 75% 0% 50% NA 0% NA
Prior to the sixth meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the sixth week for CMU Online. 50% 50% NA 0% NA NA NA
Prior to the seventh meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the seventh week for CMU Online. 50% 0% NA NA NA NA NA
Prior to the eighth meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the eighth week for CMU Online. 50% NA NA NA NA NA NA
Prior to the ninth meeting time for face-to-face or prior to the start of the ninth week for CMU Online. 0% NA NA NA NA NA NA


  1. If a class has a format that is not listed on the grid, or for courses offered in a hybrid format, please compute total number of days occurring before the withdrawal date and divide by the total number of days in the course to find the percent of completed course time. If the course is 10-33% over, the amount to be refunded is 75%; if the course is 34-49% over, the amount to be refunded is 50%; if the course is 50% or more completed, a withdrawal will not be permitted. CA workshops are non-refundable after the first meeting. A “W” grade will be given to any student who formally withdraws from a course prior to its midpoint.
  2. If you are a financial aid student and you withdraw from or drop classes to a point where you are considered less than half time for the semester after a financial aid disbursement has been made and a refund check sent, you could be charged back for the full amount of the disbursement.
  3. Students who cease/fail to attend (virtual or otherwise) and have not formally withdrawn from the course will receive a grade of “E.” A charge back for financial aid received may be incurred based on student’s last day of attendance.
  4. To drop a weekend course, the drop must be completed prior to 9 a.m. (EST) of the second class meeting date. After 9 a.m. and up to the midpoint, it will be classified as a course withdrawal. To drop a weekday course, the drop request must be completed prior to 6 p.m. (EST) of the second class meeting date. After 6 p.m. and up to the midpoint, it will be classified as a course withdrawal.
  5. The start time for CMU Online courses is 12:01 a.m. on the first day of class. Drop/withdrawal requests received after that will be assessed a $50 fee. Each new week for an online class begins on Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on the following Sunday at 12:00 midnight. The amount of tuition refunded is based on the week the request is received within. Holidays do not have any effect on this definition of a week. Online classes follow the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone.
  6. Georgia students will be allowed a refund of the withdrawal fee. See Authorization for detailed information.
  7. CMU complies with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Title of Regulations regarding student refunds. See Authorization for detailed information.