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Special Course Fees

Many courses are approved for special course fees that must be paid in addition to tuition to cover costs of materials and services supplied to students. All courses with special fees will have the amount identified next to the course in the special fees column of each Course Search & Registration.

Global Campus Classes. For information regarding fees for Global Campus Programs and Educational and Professional Development, please contact the Global Campus office at 989-774-4371.

Field Trips. Expenses involving field trips in a class may be prorated among members of the class.

Excess Materials. Students using materials in excess of those furnished by the departments of Chemistry, Human Development and Family Studies, Engineering Technology, and Journalism will be charged for the cost of those materials.

Flight Training. Students enrolled in flight training courses will be charged for aircraft and instructor time at rates established by the flight school.

Study Abroad Administrative Fee. CMU students enrolling in a study or internship program abroad pay a $150 administrative fee to the Office of Global Engagement. Students not currently enrolled at CMU pay a $300 administrative fee.