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General Educational Administration, Ed.S.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30 hours

Note: This program is offered through Global Campus only.

The Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) in General Education Administration is an advanced degree program that prepares professional educators with instructional and leadership skills beyond the master's level of competence. The purpose of this degree is to extend the academic foundation, skills, and abilities of educational leaders and to build leadership capacity in a variety of educational settings. The Ed.S. degree is based upon the satisfactory completion of 30 semester hours of graduate-level coursework. Applicants may choose one of two concentration areas (Administrative Leadership K-12 or Instructional Leadership K-12). The program is nationally accredited.

Applicants who successfully complete the required coursework in the associated concentrations (either Instructional Leadership K-12 or Administrative Leadership K-12 concentrations and an Exit Examination may apply to the Michigan Department of Education for administrative certification.

Admission Requirements; Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

GPA: 3.0

Entrance Exam: N/A

See Admission Requirement Details Below

Important Message for Prospective Students: It is highly recommended that students contact the appropriate licensing agency in their state of residence if they are considering an academic program that leads to a professional license. CMU offers state-by-state information at with web links to the appropriate licensing agencies. It is the responsibility of students to contact the appropriate licensing agency and to understand the requirements in their state of residence as applied to their specific situation.


  1. Applicants for the Educational Specialist degree must have three years of experience in an educational setting.
  2. Applicants must meet the requirements for admission to Graduate Studies.
  3. Applicants must have completed a master’s degree in education or related field.
  4. Applicants must provide evidence of promise as an administrator by preparing and submitting an admission portfolio directly to the Department of Educational Leadership. The following items must be included in the contents of the portfolio:
    1. Current resume identifying training, experience, and professional accomplishments.
    2. Minimum of two letters of reference (dated and submitted on organizational letterhead) from individuals who can appropriately address the applicant's potential as an administrator and attest to the applicant's potential for success in the program.
    3. Two-page statement incorporating how the applicant's program goals and beliefs about leadership connect to the Educational Leadership program and these principles:
      • Vision for student success and achievement,
      • Involvement for all stakeholders,
      • Leadership for a diverse and complex society
      • Demonstration of ethical behavior.
    4. Identification of a minimum of two significant activities that indicate experiences, abilities, and potential for educational leadership. For each activity identified, applicants should clearly describe the activity and the role and responsibilities they assumed, including the number of people involved or impacted by the activity; describe the budget (if applicable) or resources used; and summarize with a self-reflective statement addressing the insight and learning that occurred.
  5. Regular admission will be granted only after the admission portfolio has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by a committee of Educational Leadership faculty. Acceptability will be judged on the appropriateness of the contents of the admission portfolio relative to the Educational Specialist degree. The applicant's statements about beliefs, professional goals, and activities must show evidence of thoughtfulness, thoroughness, and congruence with the Educational Specialist degree.
  6. It is advantageous for the applicant to submit the admission portfolio as early as possible. Applicants must submit a complete admission's packet, and it must be approved before a student is granted regular admission.

Program Requirements

Required Courses (9 hours)

EDL 765Organizational Change in Educational Institutions


EDL 773Instructional Supervision and Leadership


EDL 775PK-12 Educational Policy


Research Core (3 hours)

Students electing the thesis option (Plan A) take EDL 700.

Students electing the capstone option (Plan B) take EDL 710.

EDL 700Educational Research Design


EDL 710Action Research



Select one of the following:

Concentration I: Instructional Leadership K-12 (15 hours)

Building Level Certification
EDL 656Public School Law


EDL 661School and Community Relations


EDL 662School Business Administration


EDL 670The Principalship


EDL 690Administration of School Curriculum



Concentration II: Administrative Leadership K-12 (15 hours)

Central Office Certification
EDL 745Administration of the School District


EDL 751Program Evaluation and Review


EDL 760Leadership Theory and Practice


EDL 766Advanced Educational Law


EDL 767Public School Finance


Additional Requirement (3 hours)

Select either Plan A (Thesis) or Plan B (Capstone Project, for administrator certification):

Plan A: Thesis (3 hours)

EDL 798Thesis


Plan B Capstone Project (3 hours)

Select one of the following:
EDL 699Leadership Internship


EDL 780District Level Leader Internship


Exit Examination

Students seeking Michigan Administrator Certification (Concentrations I-II) are required to pass an exit examination to qualify for their endorsement. See the program director for more information regarding this requirement and to schedule their exam.

Professional Portfolio

Students seeking administrator certification are required to complete a Professional Portfolio that consists of evidence of significant scholarship and ability relating to competence in administration and leadership. The portfolio is developed and maintained by the student during the graduate educational experience.

Total: 30 semester hours