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Undergraduate Credit/No Credit Policy

An undergraduate student may take courses on a Credit/No Credit basis subject to regulations summarized here. The option is elected by submitting an Undergraduate Credit/No Credit Request form to the Registrar’s Office before the published deadline.

The instructor is not notified when a course is taken credit/no credit and so assigns the student a letter grade. The grade is automatically converted to credit or no credit according to the following guidelines. The student earns credit (CR) for the course and credit toward graduation when a grade of C or better is assigned. No credit (NC) is earned when the assigned grade is C-, D+, D, D-, or E. The course appears on the student’s permanent record with the CR or NC grade, but the grade has no effect on the grade point average.

Departments designate which of their courses may be taken on a credit/no credit basis and whether such credit may be applied to a major or a minor. A department may offer certain courses exclusively on a credit/no credit basis after approval by the appropriate curricular authorities and publication in the University Bulletin.

A maximum of 25 semester hours of credit earned under the credit/no credit option may be applied toward an undergraduate degree. Courses exclusively offered on this basis are not included in the 25-hour restriction. Students may not take more than two courses or 7 hours for credit/no credit in the University Program.

Procedures and deadlines for registering for courses on a credit/no credit basis can be found on A student who officially elects the credit/no credit option for a course may not change the registration to a letter grade designation after the deadline.

(See also Item 2 in the Undergraduate Repeat Course Policy regarding Credit/No Credit courses.)

Regulations for graduate credit/no credit offerings are to be found in the Bulletin of the College of Graduate Studies.