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Curriculum and Course Changes

All changes in curriculum and all course substitutions must be approved by the academic advisor. Deviations from the declared program must be amended in Degree Progress by the appropriate academic advisor. Students who take courses which have not been approved by their academic advisor do so at the risk that those courses may not apply to their degree.

Curriculum and course changes may require approval from the Veterans Administration if a student is to continue to be eligible for veterans educational benefits. Students should consult their program administrator.

Undergraduate Appeal Process

An undergraduate student may request a review of the following through an appeal:

  1. Course substitution or other modification of the University Program and competency requirements
  2. Individual course transfer
  3. Extension of bulletin
  4. Graduation or degree requirements

Information concerning filing an appeal is available through the Academic Senate Office located in Park Library.

Course Substitution and Amendments

Every student is expected to take the required work prescribed for the degree plan he or she is following. It is sometimes necessary, however, to make substitutions, especially in the case of students who have not been in attendance for several years or who have transferred from other colleges. The following govern such deviations:

Degree Substitution. Substitution for a specific course prescribed on a particular degree, except as noted below, will be processed only when (1) approved by the chairperson of the department offering the course and (2) certified by the chairperson to the Registrar via electronic submission on Degree Progress. No substitution may be made for courses comprising the University Program or competency requirements portions of the student’s degree requirements.

Modification for Major or Minor. Change of a required or elective course on a declared major or minor will be processed only (1) when approved by the student’s departmental advisor, and (2) when certified by the advisor to the Registrar via electronic submission on Degree Progress. The departmental chairperson shall authorize changes in the absence of the departmental advisor.