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Enterprise Systems (SAP), Graduate Certificate

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 16 hours

This program is offered through CMU Online only.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

The Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Systems is designed for regularly admitted graduate students who desire to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the enterprise software, SAP. If admission requirements to the MBA program are met and the MBA core courses are taken by the students, credits successfully earned with this certificate program may be used towards the MIS (SAP emphasis) concentration in the MBA program. Students will not be allowed to use the same course for two different concentrations. To be considered for regular admission, an applicant must have:

  1. Admission into the graduate college.
  2. Computer literacy as demonstrated by BIS 104 or CPS 100 or equivalent .

Program Requirements

Required Courses (13 hours)

BIS 647Enterprise Systems for Management Using SAP Software


BIS 656Business Intelligence Using SAP Software


BIS 658Enterprise System Configuration Using SAP Software


BUS 698Integration of Business Processes for Management using SAP Software


Electives (3 hours)

BIS 657ABAP Programming for ES


BUS 697Special Topics in Business


Total: 16 semester hours

Note: Students will take BIS 647 as their first course, then BIS 658. The third course in this sequence is BUS 698. BIS 656, BIS 657, and BUS 697 may be taken in any sequence.