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Department of Physics

College of Science and Engineering

Dr. Christopher Tycner, Chairperson

Dow 203, 989-774-3321

Veronica Barone, Ph.D., Computational Physics, Molecular Modeling

Alfredo Estrade, Ph.D., Experimental Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics

Joseph Finck, Ph.D., Experimental Nuclear Physics, Science Policy

Marco Fornari, Ph.D., Computational Condensed Matter Physics

Mihai Horoi, Ph.D., Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics

Koblar A. Jackson, Ph.D., Computational Condensed Matter Physics

Axel Mellinger, Ph.D., Experimental Materials Physics

Juan Peralta, Ph.D., Computational Condensed Matter Physics

Georgios Perdikakis, Ph.D., Experimental Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics

Valeri Petkov, Ph.D., Experimental Materials Physics

Matthew Redshaw, Ph.D., Experimental Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Christopher Tycner, Ph.D., Observational Astrophysics

Glen Williams, Ph.D., Theoretical Astrophysics

Course Designators:

PHY - Physics

PHS - Physical Science

AST - Astronomy

The Programs:

Master of Science (M.S.) in Physics

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics

Ph.D. in the Science of Advanced Materials (Interdisciplinary)

The Central Michigan University Department of Physics offers the Master of Science in physics for students who are interested in careers in business, industry, and government as well as for those preparing to teach at the undergraduate level, or for those considering doctoral work in physics or a related area such as materials science or astronomy. Classes are small, and students have the opportunity for close supervision and individual attention. Graduate research assistantships are available in several research areas, in addition to graduate teaching assistantships and fellowships. In past years, most graduate students in the Department of Physics have received financial support.

Department faculty members are active in the following areas of research: astrophysics, atomic physics, computational physics, condensed matter physics, materials physics, nuclear physics, observational astronomy, and science education. Collaborative research efforts exist with other CMU departments, and researchers at other universities and at national laboratories. A biweekly seminar series brings experts with varied research interests to campus.

The department is housed in the Leon A. and Frances M. McDermott wing of the Dow Science Center. The laser laboratory is presently equipped to perform fluorescence lifetime studies and Doppler-limited spectroscopy, as well as atom cooling experiments. The polymer physics laboratory has equipment to measure rheological properties of polymer fluids and melts. The condensed matter laboratory is designed to study the electrical properties of electret polymer films. The X-ray diffraction laboratory is equipped to study the structure of both crystalline and amorphous materials. The Brooks Astronomical Observatory is equipped for CCD photometric observations, optical spectroscopy, and general visual observing. Support facilities include electronics and machine shops, both staffed by full-time technicians.

Further information about research opportunities can be found on the department website, at