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Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion

A.T. Miller, Vice President/Chief Diversity Officer

Warriner 319; 989-774-3700

The Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion serves a leading role in promoting an institutional culture that values and supports diversity and inclusion. Historical legacies on inclusion and exclusion have determined pathways to education that have served to be closed to many potential students, staff, and faculty. Diversity and inclusion within the academic and educational setting reflects a community that is reflective of all aspects of society, so that all community members can share in our differences and our similarities a part of our life-long learning process. We prepare our students through leadership development the skills necessary for impacting an increasingly more global society that preserves knowledge from all communities that is inherent to prepare graduates for a more complex and diverse society.

Office of Diversity Education

The Office of Diversity Education (ODE) is here to help expand your view of the world and improve your cultural competence by participating in programs and services offered. You’ll learn how to communicate with diverse groups of people and use differing experiences, backgrounds and perspectives to uncover creative solutions to personal and professional challenges. ODE offers opportunities for faculty, staff and students to enhance their cultural competence by providing intercultural education, facilitating campus wide interaction, building collaborative partnerships to advance diversity and inclusion, and implementing educational opportunities that cultivate and sustain a supportive and inclusive campus community. Contact information: Bovee University Center 110B; 989-774-7318; e-mail: