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Student Learning Outcomes Assessment

To assure that Central Michigan University’s programs are strong and that students in them are attaining appropriate levels of knowledge, skills, beliefs and attitudes, the faculty and staff of Central Michigan University have developed ongoing processes to assess the learning and academic achievement of students in academic programs. Through this process, faculty carefully articulate program goals and learning outcomes while focusing experiences and assignments to prepare students to achieve those outcomes. An assessment plan is developed to measure progress toward the stduent learning outcomes, data are collected, and annual reports are developed and discussed by department faculty, chairs, and deans. An action plan is designed to drive program improvement.

Students participate in a wide range of assessment activities designed to provide useful information about the effectiveness of academic programs. From time to time during their courses of study, CMU students may be asked to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their knowledge, skill, beliefs and attitudes. We ask alumni their views about programs and their careers since graduation with regard to how well CMU’s programs have met their needs. In addition, we ask employers what qualities they desire and expect of CMU’s graduates. These efforts all combine to improve student learning and program quality and form the basis of our culture of continuous improvement in support of CMU’s commitment to excellence.