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Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.)

This degree is awarded upon completion of a professional program for students aspiring to careers in musical performance or theory/composition.

Program Requirements

General Education Requirements (30-42 hours)

See General Education Requirements.

Specialized Studies (89 hours)

Major in Music with a specific concentration:

A minor is optional.


The number of elective hours will vary depending upon the hours completed in General Education.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 124 hours

  • To graduate from CMU you must complete a minimum of 120 hours, at least 40 of which must be in courses numbered 300 or above. Please note: the combination of some majors and minors may require more than 120 hours for graduation.
  • Not all major/minor combinations are allowed. Please consult with a university advisor to confirm your choice.
  • No more than a total of 27 hours may be taken from the College of Business Administration and counted towards graduation.
  • You should read the Requirements for Graduation in this Bulletin for a complete description.