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Communication and Dramatic Arts (COM, TAI, DAN)

For information, please contact the CDA office, 989-774-3177, 333 Moore Hall;

Why Study Communication and Dramatic Arts?

The ability to communicate well, crucial to all of our activities, is developed through informed and careful study in the disciplines of communication and dramatic arts. Among the many areas of study are: public speaking, intercultural communication, business and organizational communication, interpersonal and group communication, debate and persuasion, theatre performance (including dramatic, musical and narrative theatre), theatre design and technology, and various dance techniques and choreography.

Communication and Dramatic Arts at CMU

The Department of Communication and Dramatic Arts at CMU is a hybrid department comprised of two areas: (1) the communication area (COM) and (2) the theatre, interpretation, and dance area (TID). While each area has its own unique programs and courses of study that are cited below, together the areas comprise a department that can address the complex nature of oral communication and performance in its various forms.

The professional and academic goals for the Communication area are the following: (1) to generate an appreciation for and an ability to utilize communication theory appropriate to the students’ vocational aspirations and societal needs; (2) to encourage the development of communication skills that help students build and maintain a sense of self-worth, understanding, and self-confidence; (3) to explore the integration of communication theory and skills with other social-science disciplines; (4) to sensitize students to the variety of perspectives and perceptions of people from different backgrounds and cultures and show the role of communication in creating understanding; (5) to assist students in developing communication competencies that enhance self-directed learning and problem-solving ability; (6) to provide service for the public good; (7) to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate communication skills in applied communication settings; (8) to provide quality education to update and refine the students’ knowledge in accordance with their developing needs; and (9) to contribute to the general advancement of knowledge by stimulating and supporting research efforts. For more information about Communication programs, call the Communication and Dramatic Arts Office at 989-774-3177.

The Theatre, Interpretation and Dance Area engages undergraduates through scholarly inquiry, performance and production in an understanding of, appreciation for and experience with the dynamic, complex interaction between texts, artists and audiences and promotes awareness of the cultural environments and communities in which these elements interact. To these ends, the Theatre, Interpretation and Dance Area strives to: (1) provide students with a foundation for the breadth and depth of study in the fields of theatre, interpretation and dance; (2) encourage a balance between learning by doing (performance and production) and by academic scholarship; (3) afford opportunities for all students to become involved in coursework and/or production regardless of their pre-professional or avocational interests; and (4) create a life-long interest in and appreciation for the importance of the arts in the well-being of the individual and larger society within which they function. For more information about Theatre, Interpretation, and Dance programs, call the Communication and Dramatic Arts Office at 989-774-3177.

The Department of Communication and Dramatic Arts offers specialized majors and minors in Communication, and Theatre, Interpretation, and Dance. The department also participates in the interdisciplinary Language Arts program, which offers a major and a minor at the elementary teaching level, the interdisciplinary Integrative Public Relations program and the interdisciplinary Music Theatre program.

The Faculty

Adam Barragato, Steven Berglund, Rick Buerkel, Elizabeth Carlson, Ricky Clarkson, Paul Collins, Timothy D. Connors (TID Coordinator), William Dailey, Ann Dasen, Dan Daugherty, Elaine Daugherty, Tisha Dejmanee, Nancy Eddy (TID Coordinator), Bethany Hepworth, Cory Hillman, Edward Hinck, Shelly Schaefer Hinck, Rich Klender, Diane Krider, Alysa Lucas, Lauren McConnell, Joseph Packer, Michael Papa, Wendy Papa, Stacey Pattison, Jody Price, Andrea Purrenhage, Steven Reynolds, Keeley Stanley-Bohn, Jill Taft-Kaufman, Annette Thornton, Alex Torres, Heather Trommer-Beardslee, Kirsten Weber (COM Area Coordinator), Lesley Withers

The Programs

Communication Major

Communication Minor

Health Communication Minor

Integrative Public Relations Minor (Interdisciplinary)

Theatre and Interpretation Major: Design/Technical Theatre Concentration (BFA degree)

Theatre and Interpretation Major: Acting/Directing Concentration (BFA degree)

Theatre and Interpretation Major (BA, BS degree)

Theatre and Interpretation Minor

Dance Minor

Music Theatre Major (Interdisciplinary program)