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Teacher Education and Professional Development (ECE, EDU, MLE)

For information, please contact the chairperson, 989-774-3975, EHS 421;

For specific questions concerning the teacher education program, please see the Teacher Education Program Information web page at

The Study of Education at CMU

Central Michigan University’s teacher education program seeks to provide the preparation required to establish a professional practice that is knowledge-driven, learner-centered, and relevant to the multiple contexts in which the modern educator must function: the classroom, the multi-disciplinary school-based team, and the broader community. The Department of Teacher Education and Professional Development contributes to this mission through courses and programs with the following specific objectives:

  1. To provide the professional education coursework needed by students preparing to teach in the K-12 classrooms in Michigan.
  2. To advise undergraduate and graduate students in the selection of programs and courses.
  3. To provide coursework for graduate students seeking a master’s degree.
  4. To direct graduate students in independent studies, readings, field studies, and theses.

The departmental programs are composed of elementary education, secondary education, early childhood and elementary education, reading in elementary grades. The department also offers coursework in several interdisciplinary/interdepartmental majors and minors, including child development and the language arts major and minor.

The Faculty

Abalo F. Adewui, Lorraine Berak, Meghan Block, Timothy A. Brannan, Shane Cavanaugh, Natalia Collings, Kevin Cunningham, Michael Deschryver, Kathryn Dirkin, Raymond Francis, Troy Hicks, Tamara Jetton, Elizabeth Knepper-Meuller, William Leibfritz, Xiaoping Li, James McDonald, Kathleen Moxley, Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski, Scott Roberts, Kristina Rouech, Elizabeth VanDeusen-MacLeod, Jennifer Weible, Mingyuan Zhang

The Programs

Departmental Programs

Secondary Education

Elementary Education

Early Childhood and Elementary Education (Additional Endorsement Program)

Reading in the Elementary Grades Minor

Language Arts Major (Interdisciplinary)

Language Arts Minor (Interdisciplinary)