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CMU Police

Chief Bill Yeagley, Jr., Director of Police Services

Combined Services Building; 989-774-3081

The Central Michigan University Police Department works in partnership with the entire university community to maintain a safe, secure and orderly living and learning environment. The CMU Police Department offers a diverse group of highly trained sworn police officers who are certified by the State of Michigan. For more information, see

University Policy for Use of Motor Vehicles

Students must register any motor vehicle which they park on the university campus with the CMU Police Department. Parking permits must be displayed by the first day of classes. Students parking only for Saturday classes and evening classes between 4:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, are exempted from registering their vehicles, although they may not park at Washington Apartments at any time.

Any student who has a vehicle on campus is expected to become familiar with, and abide by, university traffic and parking regulations. Regulations and designation of parking areas for specific groups are published with the campus map in a brochure available at the CMU Police Department. Bicycles are also registered free at the CMU Police Department.