Graduate Academic and Retention Standards
In order to obtain a graduate degree, a student must have at least a 3.0 (B) cumulative graduate grade point average (GPA), and a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 (B) in all course work on the student’s authorized degree program. The policies which follow deal with cumulative graduate GPA (where cumulative graduate GPA is defined to be all courses taken at CMU at the graduate level); the College of Graduate Studies monitors overall graduate GPAs and follows these procedures when a student’s cumulative graduate GPA is below a 3.0. When a student’s cumulative graduate GPA falls below a 3.0, the student is placed on academic probation and the student’s academic file is reviewed by the College of Graduate Studies. Graduate students are given two semesters of enrollment after being placed on academic probation to raise their cumulative graduate GPA to the required 3.0. A semester in which all coursework is CR/NC, which does not contribute to the GPA, will not be counted as a semester of enrollment in determining probation status.
When a student is successful in achieving a 3.0 GPA within two probationary semesters of enrollment, they will be removed from probation. If a student does not raise his/her cumulative graduate GPA to a 3.0 within two semesters of enrollment after being placed on probation, the student will be dematriculated. If the student is in a degree program, the relevant department may specifically request an exception to policy. If the College of Graduate Studies concurs, the student will be granted a third and final semester to raise his/her cumulative graduate GPA to a 3.0. However, three semesters of enrollment after being placed on probation is the limit on extension to the probation policy. The College of Graduate Studies will also take into consideration course offering schedules that will affect a student’s ability to repeat a course.
Given the time it takes to implement these procedures, it is possible that a student will be dematriculated after he/she has registered for classes and perhaps even started attending them. If that is the case, the student will be dropped from the classes and receive any eligible refund.
In addition to maintaining a satisfactory cumulative graduate GPA, students in graduate programs must abide by the university's “Academic Integrity Policy”, which specifically prohibits "plagiarism, cheating and other forms of dishonest or unethical behavior..." Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy may lead to sanctions as described in the policy.
In addition, departments involved in clinical programs may evaluate students on the basis of their ability to relate successfully with clients. Students who do not meet the professional standards established by departments may be placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed from a program.
In cases where a student fails to satisfy departmental graduate program requirements, the College of Graduate Studies, upon the recommendation of the advisor and the departmental chairperson or program coordinator, and after review of the student’s academic progress, may remove the student from the graduate program. Examples of specific departmental requirements to be met by students include, but are not limited to the following: (1) writing competency; (2) the number of attempts made in passing comprehensive or qualifying exams; (3) the completion of required papers or theses; and (4) meeting university and departmental time limitations.
Students dismissed from graduate study, regardless of whether they were non-degree students or students pursuing a graduate certificate or degree, may petition for readmission no sooner than one academic year after the semester they were dismissed. Exceptions to this waiting period can be granted by the College of Graduate Studies. A dismissed student can apply for either non-degree admission or admission to a graduate program. Admission as a non-degree student will be decided by the College of Graduate Studies. Admission to a graduate program will be decided by the procedures normally used for that program.