Merit Scholarships
The Centralis Scholarship Program
The CMU Board of Trustees created two levels of merit-based scholarships that are awarded to incoming freshmen who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance and curricular involvement. All new students entering CMU as freshmen with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.7 and an ACT composite of 27 or higher (SAT of 1260 or higher) are invited to compete for a Centralis award. The Centralis competition involves an examination administered on the CMU campus. For information on the Centralis Scholarship Competition, contact the Admissions office.
Centralis Program
The Centralis Scholarship Program provides merit-based awards annually to outstanding high school seniors. All Centralis award recipients are automatically admitted to the Honors Program and are required to complete the Honors Program protocol in its entirety, in addition to the stipulations and expectations outlined in the “Centralis Conditions of Award” and “Centralis Scholarship Policies” documents.
The Martin H. Cholakian Centralis Scholarship
Martin H. Cholakian was a member of the Board of Trustees from 1989 until his death while attending a university event in Canada, January 29, 1994; and this scholarship was named in his memory. Mr. Cholakian was a dedicated and active supporter of CMU and took special interest in the university’s pioneering efforts to bring higher education to non-traditional students in distant locations.
John P. and Doris L. Crippo Endowed Centralis Scholarship
Through her estate, Doris L. Moulton Crippo established an endowed Centralis Scholarship. Doris and John Crippo were great believers in higher education; they were very interested in and had excellent rapport with students, faculty, staff and alumni.
Rollie Denison/Development Board Centralis Scholarship
Established in 1999 from funds donated by current and former members of the Central Michigan University Development Board of Directors.
Fabiano Family Centralis Scholarship
The Fabiano family of Mt. Pleasant, MI established the first Centralis Scholarship in 1989 to continue the family’s long-standing commitment to education and community well-being. Eleven members of the Fabiano family attended or graduated from CMU between 1920 and 1989. The Fabiano family has maintained strong interest in academic excellence and involvement in programs that result in university growth and prosperity.
The Bernard J. Firestone Centralis Scholarship
Established in 1989 by the Board of Trustees in memory of Bernard J. Firestone, member of the Board of Trustees from April 28, 1989, until his tragic death September 6, 1989. Mr. Firestone’s life was devoted to the welfare of others through education and the labor movement as means of improving the human condition.
R.L. Kesseler Family Endowed Centralis/Honors Program Scholarship I
R.L. Kesseler Family Endowed Centralis/Honors Program Scholarship II
R.L. Kesseler Family Endowed Centralis/Honors Program Scholarship III
R.L. Kesseler Family Endowed Centralis/Honors Program Scholarship IV
The Roger L. Kesseler family of Midland, Michigan, established their fourth of four Centralis scholarships in 2004. Mr. Kesseler is a 1958 cum laude CMU graduate who retired after having served for 15 years as vice president and controller of The Dow Chemical Company. He is currently a member and past chair of the CMU Board of Trustees and the CMU Development Board of Directors.
Fred R. McNabb Centralis Scholarship
Converted in 1996 from a loan fund established in 1976 through the estate of Fred R. McNabb. Spendable investment income will be awarded to CMU Centralis Scholars.
Robert and Lura Myers Centralis Scholarship
Robert and Lura Myers of Lapeer, Michigan established an endowed Centralis Scholarship in 1997.
Milton Peterson Endowed Centralis Scholarship
Mr. Peterson of Corning, New York established the first endowed Centralis Scholarship to recognize the university’s dedication to academic excellence. Mr. Peterson is a patent attorney for Corning Glass who wants to repay CMU for his successes due to the education and opportunities provided by CMU.
Leonard E. Plachta Centralis Scholarships
In recognition of his years of service as president, the Board of Trustees established the Leonard E. Plachta Centralis Scholarships; one scholarship will be established each year until four are established.
Robert Benjamin Shaver Centralis Scholarship
Converted in 1996 from a loan fund established through the estate of Robert Benjamin Shaver, lifelong resident of Gratiot County. Spendable investment income will be awarded to CMU Centralis Scholars.
Arnold J. and Margaret L. Sowmick Centralis Scholarship
Established in 1990 by the Board of Trustees in honor of Arnold J. and Margaret L. Sowmick, respected leaders of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, who died as a result of a car accident July 29, 1990. Arnold was chief of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe from 1982 to 1990 during which time his foresight and leadership were instrumental in establishing progressive programs especially in the areas of education and health. Margaret and Arnold, in their words and deeds, were friends of CMU and were instrumental in forming positive relationships that benefited their tribe and the university.
Augusta McIntosh Tobin Centralis Scholarship
Converted in 1996 from a loan fund established in 1985 through the estate of Augusta McIntosh Tobin (Class of 1925), who contributed 40 years of her teaching career to the Dearborn, MI school system.
Ronald A. Zuverink Memorial Centralis Scholarship
Established in 2001 by the estate of Ronald A. Zuverink, former private business owner in Chicago, Illinois. Proceeds from the endowment will be used to support Centralis scholarships.
Maroon and Gold Merit Scholarship
Our Maroon and Gold Merit Scholarships provide scholarship opportunities to incoming freshmen based on high school academics. are for degree seeking students and renewable for up to three additional (four consecutive years total) or degree completion, whichever comes first. Full-time enrollment is required to receive the scholarship. Renewal criteria must be met to retain in the future years. More information can be found here:
If you have applied to CMU as an Incoming freshman, you will automatically be considered for these awards. There is no need to submit an additional application. However, we recommend that you apply by December 1 to receive priority consideration.
Leader Advancement Scholarship
In 1997 the Leadership Institute was established as a new initiative of CMU to provide a foundation of skills necessary for under-graduate students to pursue positions of leadership in business, government, education, and community agencies. As part of the Institute, the Leader Advancement Scholarship (LAS) provides $2,000 per academic year to up to 80 incoming freshmen who have distinguished themselves through a record of leadership and involvement during their high school years. Competitors must have a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.0. Recipients are selected by a committee through analysis of the LAS Application, a portfolio-like record of activities that is completed by the student, and an on-campus interview. Scholarship recipients must maintain full-time status and a cumulative GPA of 2.75 while at CMU and show significant progress on the LAS protocol. Renewal requires students to reside in on-campus residence halls in both their freshman and sophomore years.
Lloyd M. Cofer Scholarship
Established in 1980 in memory of Dr. Lloyd M. Cofer, charter member of the CMU Board of Trustees, is awarded to deserving incoming freshmen who are graduates of a Detroit public high school. The value of this scholarship is $4,125 per academic year. Scholarships are renewable for three additional years for recipients who maintain a satisfactory academic progress record, full-time continuous enrollment, and a 2.50 (or higher) cumulative GPA. Recipients must complete 24 new credit hours each academic year. Renewal requires students to reside in on-campus residence halls in both their freshman and sophomore years.
Students who receive this award must agree to live in the residential college their freshman year and complete the Cofer Scholars Protocol, which outlines the requirements for the scholarship program.
Students are not eligible to receive the Cofer Scholarship and either the Wade McCree or Detroit Compact Award. Students may select the award of highest value.
Multicultural Advancement Scholarship
The Multicultural Advancement Scholarship recognizes and supports students who, through past activities or educational aspirations, indicate an interest in the advancement of minorities in American society. These scholarships are equal to $4,125 per year and are renewable for three additional years (or degree completion) for recipients who maintain full-time enrollment and a 2.50 cumulative grade point average. Full-time enrollment is required to receive and retain the scholarship each semester. Recipients must complete 24 new credits each academic year.
Multicultural Award of Distinction Scholarship
The Multicultural Award of Distinction is awarded each year. The value of the award is equal to the cost of tuition, fees, housing and food, and a $500 allowance toward the cost of books and supplies. The award is renewable for three additional, consecutive years (or degree completion) through maintenance of a 3.25 (or higher) cumulative GPA, successful completion of the MAC scholars’ protocol, and completion of at least 30 new credit hours per year. Renewal requires students to reside in on-campus residence halls in both their freshman and sophomore years.
Students are not eligible to receive both the Multicultural Advancement Award and the Wade McCree, Detroit Compact Award, or Leader Advancement Scholarship. Students may select the award of the highest value.
Transfer Honors Scholarship
All new transfer students entering CMU with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and a minimum of 24 transferable credits are eligible for a $3,500 scholarship. This scholarship is renewable for up to three years (or degree completion). Full-time enrollment is required to receive and retain the scholarship each semester. Award renewal requires earning 30 new CMU credits over an academic year. Third-year renewal requires a cumulative CMU GPA of 3.0 and at least 30 new CMU credits. This award cannot be combined with the Transfer Recognition Scholarship.
Transfer Recognition Scholarship
All new transfer students entering CMU with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and 12 transferable credits are eligible for a $2,000 award. Full-time enrollment is required to receive and retain the scholarship each semester. This scholarship is renewable for up to three years (or degree completion). Award renewal requires earning 30 new CMU credits over an academic year. Third-year renewal requires a minimum CMU cumulative GPA of 3.0 and 30 new CMU credits. This award cannot be combined with the Transfer Honors Scholarship.
Transfer Success Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is available to all new transfer students with a 3.0 cumulative college GPA and a minimum of 12 transferable credits. Open to part-time students enrolling in 6-11 CMU credits per semester. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years (or degree completion) by maintaining at least half-time enrollment and earning a minimum of 15 credits per academic year. Third-year renewal requires a CMU cumulative GPA of 3.0 and at least 15 new CMU credits earned between fall, spring, and summer. This scholarship cannot be combined with the Transfer Honors or Recognition scholarships.
Phi Theta Kappa Award
This $1,000 scholarship is available to Phi Theta Kappa members with a 3.5 cumulative GPA and a minimum of 12 transferable credits. Full-time enrollment is required to receive and retain the scholarship each semester. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years (or degree completion) by maintaining full-time enrollment and earning at least 30 new CMU credits per academic year. Third-year renewal requires a minimum of a 3.0 CMU cumulative GPA and at least 30 new CMU credits. If eligible, this award can be earned with the Transfer Honors or Transfer Recognition scholarships.