(6 hours)
The Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning requirement develops the ability to understand and solve quantitative problems that arise in a variety of contexts.
1. Mathematics Requirement (3 hours)
Students learn tools for understanding patterns that appear in the sciences, as well as the humanities. Students apply algebra to solve quantitative problems.
Timeline: The Mathematics Requirement must be met before students have completed 56 hours of coursework.
Requirement: Student ACT or SAT scores, as well as past coursework in mathematics, can help students select the first course in mathematics. However, MTH 150, MTH 151, MTH 152, MTH 250, or MTH 350 may not be used to satisfy the Mathematics Requirement, and a single course may not be used to meet both the Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning Requirements. A student may satisfy the Mathematics Requirement in one of two ways:
- Earning a grade of C (2.0) or better in any mathematics (MTH) or statistics (STA) course numbered 105 or above (excluding MTH 150, MTH 151, MTH 152, MTH 250, MTH 350) OR
- Successfully completing the Mathematics Competency Examination or any CLEP or AP examination approved for credit in a mathematics (MTH) or statistics (STA) course numbered higher than MTH 105 (excluding MTH 150, MTH 151, MTH 152, MTH 250, MTH 350).
Mathematics Competency Examination
Students seeking to satisfy the Mathematics Requirement by successfully completing the Mathematics Competency Examination must pass the exam by the time they have completed 56 hours of academic credit at CMU. Students who transfer more than 36 credit hours to CMU may take the competency examination only during their first semester at CMU.
The Mathematics Competency Examination consists of 40 questions. The Mathematics Requirement is satisfied by an overall score of at least 80% on the test. Students will be allowed two retests. Students who fail to obtain an overall score of at least 80% are required to meet the Mathematics Requirement as previously described. The Mathematics Competency Examination is administered by the Certified Testing Center (https://www.cmich.edu/academics/certified-testing-center) or call 989-774-1092.
Mathematics Competency Courses
Some of these courses are also approved for UP Subgroup II-B.
MTH 105 | Intermediate Algebra | 3(3-0) |
MTH 107 | College Algebra | 3(3-0) |
MTH 113 | Mathematics: A Modeling Approach | 3(3-0) |
MTH 130 | Pre-Calculus Mathematics | 4(4-0) |
MTH 132 | Calculus I | 4(4-0) |
MTH 133 | Calculus II | 4(4-0) |
MTH 175 | Discrete Mathematics | 3(3-0) |
MTH 217 | Business Calculus | 4(4-0) |
MTH 223 | Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory | 3(3-0) |
MTH 232 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations | 3(3-0) |
MTH 233 | Calculus III | 4(4-0) |
MTH 296 | Special Topics in Mathematics | 1-6(Spec) |
MTH 332 | Introduction to Mathematical Proof | 3(3-0) |
MTH 334 | Differential Equations | 3(3-0) |
MTH 341 | College Geometry | 3(3-0) |
MTH 363 | Problem-Based Probability and Statistics for Secondary Teachers | 3(3-0) |
MTH 397 | Independent Study | 1-6(Spec) |
MTH 434 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | 3(3-0) |
MTH 438 | Numerical Analysis I | 3(3-0) |
MTH 439 | Numerical Analysis II | 3(3-0) |
STA 282QR | Introduction to Statistics | 3(3-0) |
STA 382QR | Elementary Statistical Analysis | 3(3-0) |
STA 392 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 3(3-0) |
2. Quantitative Reasoning Requirement (3 hours)
Quantitative reasoning involves the application of mathematics in applied contexts. The overarching goal is to establish a foundation for effective quantitative reasoning and problem-solving strategies that are useful for completing a program of study and relevant to the life activities of most people.
Timeline: The Quantitative Reasoning requirement must be met prior to graduation.
Requirement: Students are required to complete, with a grade of C (2.0) or better, 3 credits that have a Quantitative Reasoning (QR) designation. All approved courses have a “QR” designation in the Bulletin. A single course may not be used to meet both the Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematics Requirements.
Quantitative Reasoning Courses:
The following courses have been approved for offering as Quantitative Reasoning:
Note: COM 257QR also satisfies Oral English Competency.