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CMU Online Courses

Students interested in taking courses through CMU Online must be admitted to Central Michigan University prior to registration. Those students applying veterans educational benefits toward tuition of a course should contact CMU’s Veterans’ Resource Center for information regarding certification and restrictions.

Online course delivery provides each student with a virtual classroom where lectures, multimedia study materials and class discussion are all provided using the latest technology, over the internet. Interactive online tools offer students the opportunity to connect with faculty and peers to discuss course content. Online courses still have specific start and end dates and assignment/exam due dates. Careful review of the course syllabus prior to the course start will provide these dates. Questions regarding online courses should be directed to staff at or 989-774-4371.

Courses offered through CMU Online mirror main campus face-to-face courses in terms of their scope, study requirements and level of difficulty. Most students limit themselves to two online courses per term, especially if a student is new to independent learning, is employed full time, or has a large semester class load.

Online Learning Environment

To ensure success in online classes, CMU encourages students to familiarize themselves with the online learning environment prior to enrolling in CMU Online courses. Preview a sample online class, run a diagnostics check on your computer and take the Online Learning Assessment on our website at

Drop and Withdrawal Policy for Online Courses

All CMU Online courses start on a Monday and end on a Friday. Students are encouraged to frequently and consistently log into their online course, ideally every day. Tuition refunds requested prior to the start date of the course shall be made in full. The start time for CMU Online courses is 12:01 a.m. on the first day of class. The amount of tuition refunded is based on the week the request is received within. Holidays do not have any effect on this definition of a week. Students may not withdraw after the midpoint of the course.

Students who cease/fail to attend (virtual or otherwise) and have not formally withdrawn from the course will receive a grade of “E.” A charge-back for financial aid may be incurred based on student’s last date of academic participation in the class. See Scholarships and Financial Aid section of this Bulletin for additional information.

Examination Proctors

A proctor is a person approved to administer exams to a student for an online course requiring a proctor. Not all online courses require a proctor. For those courses that do require a proctor, students must identify a proctor and provide the necessary information through the Proctor Designation Form for approval. Once a proctor has been approved, CMU will provide exam materials to the proctor. The student arranges for an exam appointment with the proctor to take their exam. 

Acceptable proctors include school counselors, school/college administrators/teachers, military/industry education or testing centers, or librarians at a local library. In addition, CMU centers proctor exams. Unacceptable proctors include, but are not limited to, family members, friends, co-workers, other CMU students, anyone with whom the student has a personal relationship, or anyone who cannot provide a suitable testing environment. CMU reserves the right to deny any proctor or assign proctors to students as deemed necessary. More information on proctoring can be found at:

The student is responsible for any proctor’s fees. If one of the CMU centers is to be used as a proctor, please check with that center to determine available times and dates for testing. Should you have any questions, call 989-774-4461.