Administration 2025
Neil MacKinnon (2024*) President; BSc, Dalhousie University; MSc, University of Wiconsin - Madison; Ph.D., University of Florida
James Bujaki (2020) Vice President/Technology/CIO; B.S., Michigan State University
Jefferson Campbell (2022) Dean/Arts and Media; B.M.E., Western Kentucky University; M.M., University of North Carolina School of the Arts; D.M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Raymond L. Christie (1998) Senior Vice Provost for Academic Administration; B.A., Saginaw Valley State University; M.B.A., Central Michigan University; Ph.D., Georgia State University
Jennifer Cotter (2010) Vice President/Advancement, B.S.B.A., Central Michigan University
John Danner (2020) General Counsel; B.A., University of Texas at Austin; J.D., St. Mary’s School of Law
Jennifer DeHaemers (2020) Vice President/Student Recruitment and Retention; B.S., Central Missouri State University; M.A., University of Missouri, Kansas City
Mary Jane Flanagan (1989) Chief of Staff to Pres/Secretary to BOT, President’s Office; B.S., B.A., Mercer University; MBA, Michigan State University
Amy Folan (2020) Associate Vice President/Athletic Director, Athletics; B.A., University of Connecticut; M.E.D., University of Georgia
David M. Ford (2021) Dean, College of Science and Engineering; B.S., University of Buffalo; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Mary Moran Hill (1986) Vice President/Finance and Administrative Services; B.S.B.A., Central Michigan University
Kathy M. Irwin (2013) Dean, University Libraries; B.S.Ed., Concordia College; M.S.L.S., Wayne State University; M.P.A., University Of Michigan-Dearborn
George Kikano (2015) Vice President/Health Affairs and Dean, College of Medicine; B.S., American University of Beirut; M.D., American University of Beirut
Paula Lancaster (2020) Provost and Dean, College of Education and Human Services; B.S., Western Illinois University; M.S., Northern Illinois University; Ph.D., University of Kansas
Christopher Moberg (2019) Dean, College of Business; BBA, University of New Mexico; MBA, Miami University; DBA, Cleveland State University
Kaleb Patrick (2016) Interim Vice President/Innovation & Online; B.A., Ferris State University; M.A.HUM., Central Michigan University; Sp.E., Central Michigan University; Ed.D., Central Michigan University
Shawna Patterson-Stephens (2021) Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer; B.S., Central Michigan University; M.A., Michigan State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Dave K. Patton (2001) Sr. Vice Provost/Academic Affairs, B.A., Northern Michigan University; M.A., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Tobias A. Roth (2001) Associate Vice President for Government and External Relations; B.A., Lawrence University; J.D., Marquette University
Richard Rothaus (2018) Dean, College of LIberal Arts & Social Sciences; B.A., Florida State University; M.A., Vanderbilt University; Ph.D., Ohio State University
Stan Shingles (1989) Interim Vice President/Student Affairs; B.S., Illinois State University; M.S., Illinois State University
Bradley Jay Swanson (2001) Interim Vice President/Research & Innovation, Research & Graduate Studies; B.S., University of Michigan; M.S., University of Idaho; Ph.D., Purdue University
Gregory R. Zimmerman (2019) Interim Dean/Health Professions, The H.H. & G.A. Dow College Of Health Professions; Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University
*The year in parentheses behind each name indicates the date first employed by the University.