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CMU Online Information

Classes and Seminars

Classes are usually scheduled during compressed time blocks to maximize degree progression and to minimize scheduling conflicts. Course modality options include face-to-face classes, online, hyflex, or hybrid courses. 

  • Online Asynchronous: Online asynchronous courses are completely online with no required meeting days and times, but may offer optional synchronous meetings. All formalized instruction and coursework are completed online. Students will complete assignments by established deadlines. Proctored or monitored exams may be required.
  • Online Synchronous: Online synchronous courses are completely online with required specific meeting days and times where students are expected to be actively engaged in a virtual setting. All formalized instruction and coursework are completed online. Proctored or monitored exams may be required.
  • Face-to-Face: Face-to-face courses meet in a CMU approved location with required specific meeting days, times, and location as noted in the course registration system. Internet-based and other technology may be used to enhance instruction in and outside of class. Proctored or monitored exams may be required.
  • Hybrid: Hybrid courses have required specific meeting days and times outlined in the course registration system and require face-to-face class sessions in a CMU approved location while other required class sessions can be a mixture of synchronous online meetings and asynchronous online activity. Instructors will determine which class sessions will be held in which modality within the specified course day and time range and these will be announced in the course syllabus. Proctored or monitored exams may be required.
  • HyFlex: HyFlex courses meet on specific days and times simultaneously face-to-face and synchronously online. Course meeting dates, times, and location(s) are noted in the course registration system, and face-to-face meetings occur in a CMU approved location. Students can change their mode of attendance freely according to their need or preference. At the instructor’s discretion, access to course content may be available online asynchronously. Proctored or monitored exams may be required.

Regardless of modality, all courses have specific start and end dates. In addition, textbooks, course outlines, reference materials and assignments are available prior to the first session of a class to allow preparatory reading and study.

Note: To ensure the best student learning experience and the availability of courses that fulfill student degree plans, courses initially scheduled as face-to-face courses may be converted to a hybrid/blended course format prior to the first class meeting.

Main Campus Courses for CMU Online Students

Any student admitted to CMU Online may enroll for classes on the Central Michigan University campus in Mount Pleasant. Students must follow regular main campus enrollment procedures. Information regarding dates and procedures for main campus registration is in the Class Schedule on the Registrar’s website.

Independent Study

Independent study courses are available for students who wish to pursue special areas of interest. Independent learning experiences should help students develop skills in planning, organizing, researching, reporting, and developing specific skills outside the classroom. The experiences may take the form of readings, research, or special projects. Students wishing to pursue independent study should contact their advisor for an Independent Study Guide and an application for Independent Study Request. Independent study projects should not duplicate the content of an established course.

Limitations on College of Business Credits

MSA degree student program plans may include no more than 15 semester hours of coursework from the College of Business Administration; graduate certificate student program plans may include no more than 33% of their semester hours; undergraduates, no more than 27 semester hours. These credit limitations include both business transfer credits and credits earned at CMU. Students should consult with their academic advisor before enrolling in any College of Business course.

Tutorial Option

Students may, under certain circumstances, take courses as tutorials (on an individual basis) working closely with an approved instructor. Details are available from the program administrator.

Planned Experiences

The planned experiences credit option provides a flexible learning format which can be tailored to fit particular student objectives. This learning option also allows the student to take full advantage of all instructional resources available. The student should consult their academic advisor to develop a planned experience and should consider the following guidelines:

  1. The experience must develop skills not previously acquired by the student.
  2. Planned experience credit will not be granted for work or study in which the student was involved prior to enrolling in the planned experience.
  3. The experience may be graded on a credit/no credit basis at the student’s request and with the faculty reviewer’s approval.
  4. The student may earn no more than 30 semester hours of credit through planned experiences. No more than 15 semester hours of credit may be earned for a single planned experience.

The following course numbers and titles are used to record credit granted for planned experiences:

CDE 291 Planned Experience in Community Development (1-15)

CDE 491 Planned Experience in Community Development (1-15)

Academic Policy and Federal Student Aid

A student’s Grade Point Average (GPA), their completion of coursework and timeframe standards (duration of completion) are measured each semester for the purpose of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Failure to maintain Financial Aid Standards will affect Federal Student Aid eligibility. Details concerning SAP can be found at