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Types of Admission

CMU has four categories of admission: regular, non-degree, concurrent, and accelerated. An admission decision is valid for one calendar year from the admitted starting semester. 

All references to grade points and grade point averages (GPA) are based on a four-point scale. (The adaptation of this scale to the graduate school marking system at CMU is found under Academic Regulations).

Regular Admission

Regular admission requires that an applicant has satisfied any program requirements outlined by the department and can show evidence of having met at least one of the following:

  1. An earned Bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.70 from a regionally accredited institution or one with equivalent standing; OR
  2. a GPA of at least 3.0 in the final sixty semester hours of graded coursework toward a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or one with equivalent standing; OR
  3. an earned Master’s degree or equivalent with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 from a regionally accredited institution or one with equivalent standing.

Applicants who demonstrate evidence of potential for success in a graduate program but require initial monitoring may be granted regular admission with stipulations. Stipulations may include but are not limited to successful completion of pre- or co-requisite courses, successful completion of credits with a specified earned GPA, or departmental interview. Applicants granted regular admission with stipulations are expected to satisfy any stipulations by the end of their second semester of enrollment. The only notable exception are international students completing English Proficiency requirements.

Regular admission with stipulations will require that:

  1. At a minimum, departments document the stipulations in the applicant’s admission folder;
  2. Graduate Admissions will review student progress at the end of the first and second semester to ensure the student is meeting or has met the stipulations. Students who do not meet outstanding stipulations will be referred to the Office of Graduate Studies for review;
  3. The Office of Graduate Studies will dismiss students who have not met or are not meeting the stated stipulations.

Regular admissions will not be granted to any applicant with an incoming undergraduate GPA below a 2.00.

Non-Degree Admission

Non-degree status is intended for a student who has earned an undergraduate degree or equivalent and does not initially intend to pursue a degree program. A non-degree student attends CMU with the intention of satisfying prerequisite program courses needed at a graduate level, or for personal enrichment, or is contemplating pursuing a degree program and wants to be exposed to an area of study. Generally, non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid. Questions related to financial aid eligibility should be directed to the Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid.

While non-degree students are eligible to take unlimited courses with a non-degree status, only six (6) credits completed with a non-degree status can be used towards a degree program at CMU. (If a non-degree student wishes to use more than six (6) credits towards a degree program they must first be admitted to the degree program and then receive approval from the department and the Office of Graduate Studies).

To receive a non-degree status, an individual should submit an admission application for the semester they wish to enroll at CMU. The application fee is expected the first time a non-degree student applies. At a minimum, unofficial academic records from the undergraduate degree-granting institution, and all academic records with graduate coursework are expected at the time a non-degree student applies to ensure they have successfully completed or will complete an undergraduate degree. Official academic records from the undergraduate degree-granting institution, and all academic records with graduate coursework are expected by the third week of the first semester of enrollment. Failure to provide these academic records will prohibit any future registrations. Once official academic records are provided, students with a non-degree status can continue to enroll in an unlimited number of credits. A non-degree student will become inactive and required to reapply once it has been three (3) or more years since their last semester of enrollment. (Academic Senate 9/7/21)

Students with a non-degree status who decide to pursue a degree program should submit an online admission application to the selected program. The application fee is not expected in these instances, but all other admission requirements for both the Office of Graduate Studies and the selected program will be required.

Graduate Concurrent Admission Policy

A CMU undergraduate student may be permitted to register concurrently for graduate credit for the semester or session in which requirements will be completed for a baccalaureate degree, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. the student will be enrolled in a maximum of 12 undergraduate credits during the semester of concurrent registration;
  2. during the semester of concurrent registration, the student enrolls in all remaining courses required for graduation;
  3. the student’s total credit load (graduate and undergraduate courses) will not exceed 15 credits during the semester of concurrent registration;
  4. the student has an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.7 or a 3.0 in the last 60 semester hours of graded coursework toward the bachelor’s degree. 

Students may appeal to the Director of Graduate Studies for a policy exception to grant admission as concurrent students.

A CMU undergraduate student who wishes to obtain a Concurrent Admission status should first complete “Concurrent Admission Acknowledgement & Approval” form. If approved, an online graduate admission application with the expected application fee should then be submitted with the approved form uploaded to the application. 

Students approved for Concurrent Admission will be granted this status for the approved semester only. The status will expire at the end of the approved semester, regardless of whether the student successfully completes their undergraduate degree requirements and graduates. All credits taken prior to the awarding of the undergraduate degree, regardless of course level and the degree to which they are being applied, will be charged at the undergraduate tuition rate.

Students wishing to complete additional graduate courses beyond the semester of Concurrent Admission, either as a degree- or non- degree-seeking student, will need to submit a new admission application. The application fee will not be required in these instances.

(Academic Senate, May 4, 2021)

Accelerated Graduate Degree Program

Generally, courses required on the undergraduate major may not be counted on the graduate program, however, the Accelerated Graduate Degree Program (AGDP) allows CMU undergraduate students who possess a strong academic background and are maintaining a “B” average in their undergraduate coursework to apply typically as juniors to specific graduate programs that offer an AGDP. Students with less than a “B” average may apply to the AGDP, but they should submit information as to why they believe they can be successful in graduate-level coursework. An AGDP allows students to reduce the total number of credits required to complete their undergraduate and graduate degrees by applying a percentage of the graduate program (500- and 600-level courses toward graduation requirements on both degree programs. The percentage of credits allowed to count at the undergraduate and graduate level through AGDP is at the discretion of the department and can be up to 50% of a graduate certificate or master’s degree. Students must enroll for the courses at the undergraduate level and may not be enrolled in more than 15 credit hours (UG and graduate level combined) per semester. The courses will be added to the graduate transcript once the student satisfactorily completes their undergraduate degree. Not all graduate programs offer the Accelerated Graduate Degree Program. Check the Graduate Studies website for the most recent list of Accelerated Graduate Degree Programs. All credits taken prior to the awarding of the undergraduate degree, regardless of course level and the degree to which they are being applied, will be charged at the undergraduate tuition rate.

Admission Procedures. Each program will determine admission criteria to any Accelerated Graduate Degree Program (AGDP) which will be at least as rigorous as the admission requirements to the department’s graduate program. Generally, students will apply during their junior year for admission into the AGDP to begin the first semester of their senior year. To seek approval to enroll in an AGDP students should 1) submit an online admission application to be an Accelerated Graduate student and 2) complete and submit the Accelerated Graduate Degree Acknowledgement and Approval Form found on the Graduate Studies website. If approved for admission, students must average a “B” or higher in the credits that apply to the graduate degree. AGDP student grades will be monitored by Graduate Studies, and any student who does not average a “B” or higher in the credits that apply to the graduate degree will be removed from the AGDP, unless the student obtains an exception from Graduate Studies. To request an exception, the student must have the support of their AGDP advisor and present a viable plan to obtain the minimum “B” average in the credits that apply to the graduate degree prior to the completion of the baccalaureate degree. Students removed from the AGDP must apply for readmission into the graduate program. If removed from the AGDP, the completed courses may still be used at the undergraduate level but cannot subsequently be used at a graduate level.

(Academic Senate, 2/27/18, Revised 3/16/21, 4/6/21)

If you are admitted to an AMDP, your financial aid may be affected. Contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for information (989-774-3674) or

Admission of CMU Faculty and Staff

A faculty member, administrator, or staff member at CMU may not be admitted to a graduate degree or certificate program or earn a graduate degree or certificate in a program in their own department. A faculty member, administrator, or staff member at CMU may be admitted to a graduate degree or certificate program and earn a graduate degree or certificate in a program in their own college, provided that they have written permission from the dean of their college. The written permission will be retained in the student's file. A faculty member, administrator, or staff member may be admitted to a degree or certificate program that is outside their own college.