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Psychology Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.; B.S. in B.A.


Program Requirements

Required Course (3 hours)

PSY 100Introduction to Psychology


Electives (18 hours)

A student must complete a minimum of 9 hours of psychology course work at CMU. If you are minoring in psychology and plan to attend graduate school in psychology, PSY 211QR is strongly recommended. The balance of your credits should be selected by you and your advisor working together to select the set of courses that is most appropriate for you.

Total: 21 semester hours

Note: Only 6 hours may be counted from courses of unspecified content: PSY 200, PSY 400, PSY 496, PSY 497, PSY 498, PSY 500, PSY 501, and PSY 502. Further, not more than 3 hours may be counted from any one unspecified content course.