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German Minor, B.A.; B.S.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

The sequence 101-102-201-202 provides the basis for advanced study in all language majors and minors. Without previous language experience, prospective majors and minors begin with 101. Students who have previously studied a language must take the Language Placement Test, available here: They should enroll in the course indicated by their placement score, and may be eligible for Retroactive Credit (see below). AP, CLEP, International Baccalaureate, and the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy are also accepted; see level equivalencies in Options for Earning Credit in this Bulletin. For questions about placement, please contact the department.

Retroactive Credit

Students who take the placement exam and complete their first language course at the 102 level or higher with a grade of B (3.0) or better are eligible for up to 8 hours of retroactive credit. To qualify, this must be the student’s first college-level course in this language. Earned credits count toward the University Program Subgroup IV-B. Retroactive credits do not count toward the University Program, but they do count toward the degree and toward some language majors and minors as indicated below for each program.


  • All German majors are required to take 9 hours of language at the 300 level or above on campus.
  • One course at the 300 level or 400 level taken on a CR/NC basis may be counted toward a major or minor.

Program Requirements

Core Courses (14 hours)

GER 201Intermediate German I


GER 202Intermediate German II


GER 311Advanced German I


GER 312Advanced German II


Restricted Electives (6 hours)

Select hours from the following:

GER 325Modern German Literature in Translation


GER 341German Cultural History I


GER 342German Cultural History II


GER 343Survey of German Literature I


GER 344Survey of German Literature II


GER 350Highlights of German Film


GER 370Advanced Studies in German


GER 403German Literature to 1776


GER 405German Classicism


GER 407German Literature of the Nineteenth Century


GER 409German Literature of the Twentieth Century


GER 470Advanced Studies in German


Note: GER 370 and GER 470 can be taken more than once with permission of the advisor.

Study Abroad

Students wishing to study abroad may substitute GER 210 for a minimum of 4 credits for either GER 201 or GER 202, or substitute GER 310 for a minimum of 3 credits for 3 credits of restricted electives.

GER 210German Language Study Abroad


GER 310Study Abroad


Total: 20 semester hours