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3. Responsibilities of Students

This section of the Code of Conduct lists the policies students are responsible for following.

3. Responsibilities of students

3.1 General Regulations Concerning Student Conduct

3.1.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for promulgating policies regarding student conduct at Central Michigan University. The President, as its executive officer, is the final authority in all discipline cases. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is the designated officer responsible to the president for conducting a discretionary review of a decision of the Appeals Board to suspend a student for more than one week or to dismiss a student. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is the designated officer responsible to the President for the administration of student conduct policies. All misconduct of students is reported to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or to the persons designated by the AVP for Student Affairs to receive such reports.

3.1.2 This Code applies to student conduct that occurs either on or off-campus, especially when such conduct affects the interests of the university. The university shall take disciplinary action in cases concerning a student's actions or offenses occurring within or affecting people on property within the physical boundaries of Central Michigan University, on or affecting university-owned or controlled property, or when the student is in attendance at a university-sponsored event, or when the interests of the university as a community are clearly involved. A student committing a criminal offense, whether that offense occurs on or off-campus, that is also a violation of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures, may be subject to University discipline. In other cases, where the health and safety of members of this community are clearly involved, the university shall assert its authority.

Students subject to the provisions of this Code are defined as all persons who have enrolled at the university, either full-time or part-time, pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or non-degree studies. Persons who have been enrolled at the university, and who have not withdrawn, are students even when they are not enrolled for a particular term. Students also include persons who have been admitted to the university and who, before their first attendance, participate in activities intended only for prospective students (e.g., orientation, leadership, band, or other camps, athletic training, and practices).

3.2 Specific Regulations Concerning Student Conduct

3.2.1 Academic Dishonesty. Written or other work that a student submits in a course shall be the product of that student's own efforts.  Plagiarism, cheating, and all other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited.  Students are expected to adhere to the ethical and professional standards associated with their programs and academic courses.  Alleged violations of this section shall be adjudicated in accordance with CMU's Policy on Academic Integrity. Copies of the Policy on Academic Integrity may be accessed via the Office of Student Conduct website.

3.2.2 False Information. A student shall not furnish, or attempt to furnish, false or misleading information to university officials or on official university records. Furthermore, a student shall not forge, alter, or misuse the university name, the name of any university employee, documents, records of identification, or attempt to do the same.

3.2.3 Disruption of Learning. A student shall not obstruct, disrupt or interfere, or attempt to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with another student's right to study, learn, or complete academic requirements. This includes acts to destroy or prevent or limit access to information or records used by other students in connection with their university responsibilities.

3.2.4 Disruptive Behavior During Class. A student shall not obstruct, disrupt or interfere, or attempt to disrupt or interfere with another student's right to study, learn, participate, or a teacher's right to teach during a class. Whether in the classroom or online, this includes but is not limited to such behaviors as talking at inappropriate times, drawing unwarranted attention to oneself, engaging in loud or distracting behaviors, or refusing to leave a classroom when ordered to do so.

3.2.5 Disruption of University Authorized and Scheduled Events. A student, group of students or registered student organization shall not obstruct or disrupt, or attempt to obstruct or disrupt, teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other university activities. This includes, but is not limited to: acts to destroy or prevent or limit access to information or records used by other students in connection with their university responsibilities or impeding classes, the carrying forward of the university's business, or the arrangements for properly authorized and scheduled events.  A person attempts to disrupt when, with the intent to disrupt, that person does any act that constitutes a material step toward disruption.

3.2.6 Access to Facilities. A student shall not enter, or attempt to enter, closed university facilities or facilities clearly under the authorized control of another individual, e.g., student vehicles, rooms, or apartments; disrupt or attempt to disrupt, the scheduled use of university facilities; block, or attempt to block, access to or from university facilities; or remain within, or attempt to remain within, university facilities after their closing unless authorized to do so by the President, or the President's designated representative, or the student authorized to and in control of said facility or facilities.

3.2.7 Threat/Endangerment/Assault. A student shall take no action that threatens or endangers the safety, health, or life, or impairs the freedom of any person, nor shall a student make any verbal or written threat of such action. This includes actions commonly understood to constitute assault or battery. Sexual Assault. A student shall adhere to the university's Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy (#3-39) and the policies contained therein. Copies of the Policy on Sexual Misconduct may be accessed via (

3.2.8 Disruptive Self-Injurious Behavior. A student shall not engage or threaten to engage in self-injurious behavior that negatively impacts or is disruptive to the learning/living environment of others.

3.2.9 Property Damage. A student shall take no action that damages or tends to damage property not the student's own.

3.2.10 Theft. A student shall not appropriate for the student's own use, sale, or other disposition, property not the student's own without the consent of the owner or the person legally responsible for it. This includes embezzlement, misappropriation and/or theft of university and/or student organizational resources and theft of personal information.

3.2.11 Disorderly Conduct. A student shall not act as a disorderly person or engage in disorderly conduct or disturb the peace, as defined by state statute or local ordinance. This includes acts of indecent exposure or lewd conduct.

3.2.12 Controlled Substances. A student shall not possess, use, manufacture, produce, or distribute, or aid in the use, manufacture, production, or distribution of, any controlled substance except as expressively permitted by federal law and university policy. Possession, use, manufacture, production, or distribution of marijuana is strictly prohibited by federal law and university policy on university properties or at any university related event, regardless of state law. Federal Law, including the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, prohibits marijuana on university properties or at any university related event.

Violation of the Residence Life Alcohol and Controlled Substances Policy is a violation of this section. Controlled substances are defined in the Controlled Substances Act of 1971, as amended.

The use or abuse of prescription drugs or over the counter substances such as inhalants or herbals, in any way other than the intended or appropriate use, may be interpreted as a violation under this policy.

A student agrees that if the student is in possession of marijuana, or any related or derivative marijuana product (product), the student will comply with the directive of a CMU employee, including in university housing, to discard such product in accordance with the CMU employee's directive.  If a student fails or refuses to comply with such directive, the student will be considered in violation of a Grave Offense (Section 4.4.14) under this Code, which carries the minimum mandatory sanction of suspension from the university.

3.2.13 Violation of Alcohol Policy. A student shall not possess, consume or furnish, or aid in the consumption or furnishing of, alcoholic beverages except as permitted by law and university policy. Violation of the Residence Life Alcohol & Controlled Substances Policy is a violation of this section.

3.2.14 Firearms/Explosives/Weapons.  A student shall not possess or use firearms; explosives (including, but not limited to, fireworks and black powder); dangerous chemicals; weapons; knives with a blade longer than three inches, hunting knives, fixed blade knives, switchblade knives, throwing knives, daggers, razors, other cutting instruments the blade of which is exposed; or items that forcibly eject projectiles (including BB, CO2-powered, pellet and air soft guns); and any other device that may be injurious to others, except as part of an approved university activity and under the supervision of a university official. Firearms (including BB, CO2-powered, pellet and air soft guns) may not be stored in university residences. Stun guns and tasers are also prohibited. Any replica of any of the foregoing weapons is also prohibited.  Firearms used for hunting must be properly registered with the CMU Police Department and stored in compliance with university regulations.

The State of Michigan has enacted a concealed carry law that prohibits carrying a concealed pistol into a dormitory (residence hall) or classroom of a university.

3.2.15 Complying with University Agents. A student shall comply with the directions of university agents acting in the performance of their regular or delegated duties and must identify themselves to these agents upon request.

3.2.16 Payment of Fines/Restitution. A student shall pay fines or restitution levied by a proper hearing body or university authority by the deadline established.

3.2.17 Misuse of Buildings/Facilities/Services. A student must observe rules and regulations concerning the use of campus buildings and other university owned or operated facilities, vehicles, equipment and services.

3.2.18 Computer Abuse. A student shall not abuse university computer time or equipment, including but not limited to: CMU-hosted Blackboard, online chat rooms, Skype meetings and other social media technologies, when such resources are accessed or utilized using CMU's computers, networks, servers, or other CMU-provided technologies. Abuse includes but is not limited to: unauthorized entry or transfer of a file, unauthorized downloading or uploading of copyrighted information, unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password; use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of a student, faculty members or university officials; or use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the university; or improper use of the learning management system (LMS) and digital environments. A student shall adhere to the rules and practices promulgated by the university Office of Information Technology ( and the policies contained therein, including but not limited to the Copyright Infringement Responsible Use of Computing and Data Stewardship Policies.

3.2.19 Bullying/Hazing/Harassment. A student shall not bully, haze or harass any person or group of persons. Telephone harassment, texting, email, computer or online social media harassment, are included under this policy, as are all other forms of bullying and harassment.

3.2.20 Civil Disorder. A student shall not participate in a riot or civil disorder, which is defined as five or more persons, acting in concert, who intentionally or recklessly cause or create a serious risk of causing public terror or alarm.

3.2.21 Aiding Civil Disorder. A student shall not, intending to cause or aid or abet the institution or maintenance of a riot or civil disorder, act or engage in conduct which urges other persons to commit acts of unlawful force or violence or the unlawful burning or destroying of property or the unlawful interference with a police officer, peace officer, firefighter or member of the Michigan National Guard or any unit of the armed services officially assigned to civil disorder duty in the lawful performance of their duty.

3.2.22 Participation in Riot. A student shall not assemble or act in concert with four or more persons for the purpose of engaging in conduct which creates a serious risk of a riot or civil disorder or be present at an assembly that either has or develops such a purpose and remain there after an order has been given to disperse.

3.2.23 Violation of Injunction. A student shall not violate the terms of any injunction regulating conduct in Isabella County or the terms of the Mt. Pleasant Nuisance Party Ordinance during and as part of a riot or civil disorder.

3.2.24 Discrimination. Violation of the CMU Nondiscrimination Policy or the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action protocol shall be treated as an offense under these regulations.

3.2.25 Violations by Registered Student Organizations. Violation by Registered Student Organizations of these regulations, and other rules pertaining to Registered Student Organizations as outlined in the Registered Student Organization Manual shall be treated as an offense under these regulations.

3.2.26 Violation of Residence Hall Policies. Violation of federal, state or local law in a manner that affects the university shall be treated as an offense under these regulations.

3.2.27 Collusion. A student who shall with any one or more persons enter into a combination or agreement, expressed or implied, to commit a violation of any of these regulations, is in violation of the regulation. Students are responsible for the actions of their guests while present on CMU property or at university-sponsored activities.

3.2.28 Aiding/Abetting. A student implicated in the violation of any regulation in this document, whether the student directly commits the act constituting the violation or procedures in connection with it, or aids or abets in its commission, may be treated under the regulations as if the student had directly committed such violation.

3.2.29 Violation of Federal/State/Local Law. Violation of federal, state or local law in a manner that affects the university shall be treated as an offense under these regulations.

3.2.30 Retaliation. A student, group of students, or registered student organization shall not retaliate against anyone who files a complaint or grievance; requests an administrative hearing; participates in an investigation; appears as a witness in an administrative hearing; or opposes an unlawful act, discriminatory practice, or policy.

3.2.31 Violation of University Regulations. Violation of other university regulations, policies or established procedures shall be treated as an offense under these regulations.

3.2.32 Unauthorized Fires. No student shall start or allow to be started a fire with the intent to destroy property including their own and/or rubbish.

3.2.33 Arson. A person who uses, arranges, places, devises, or distributes an inflammable, combustible, or explosive material, liquid, or substance or any device in or near a building, structure, other real property, or personal property with the intent to commit arson or who aids, counsels, induces, persuades, or procures another to do so is in violation of arson.