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1. Preamble

The students, faculty, and staff of Central Michigan University constitute an academic community that is committed to the preservation, communication, and discovery of knowledge, and to the active pursuit of truth. Consistent with this purpose, the university recognizes its obligation to afford each student the opportunity to develop the student’s educational potential while retaining free exercise of rights and freedoms as a citizen. Such opportunity should be limited only by the necessity of insuring equality of opportunity to all students, and by the corollary requirement of orderly operation of the educational processes. Each member of the Central Michigan University community assumes an obligation regarding self-conduct to act in a manner consistent with a respect for the rights of others and with the university's function as an educational institution. As guides for individual and group actions within this community, the university affirms the following general principles of conduct. These principles serve as the basis for regulations concerning student conduct.

1.1 The community requires a system of order supportive of the educational process that is the purpose of the university. Primary responsibility for preserving the system of order rests upon the individuals making up the community. Each individual must accept responsibility for their own actions and values and for recognizing that such actions and values affect the whole community. Implicit in the community's recognition of the rights of the individual is an obligation on the part of the individual to accept responsibilities toward the community.

1.2 Even though there is a diversity of opinion regarding many ethical and moral standards, each person should endeavor to maintain self conduct in a manner consistent with respect for others and thoughtful consideration for the needs of society. In social relationships generally, including relations involving the civil, property, and personal rights of others, each individual has an obligation to act in a manner consistent with these fundamental values.

1.3 The educational function depends upon honesty, integrity, and respect for truth. Any action not consistent with these principles is unacceptable.

1.4 As part of the democratic tradition, members of the community should be free to study and act upon social issues, including issues affecting the university. Each person ought to learn and practice the art of thoughtfully examining controversial issues, expressing views individually and as a group member responsibly, and in a manner that is consistent with the educational purpose of the university.

1.5 The university community recognizes the need for the development of personal ethics and philosophies. The members of this community should be committed to broad personal growth and development in society, realizing that each individual has both the freedom and obligation to make ethical choices and to accept the attendant responsibilities.