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Pre-Veterinary Medicine

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Veterinarians care for the health of animals. They diagnose, treat or research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and animals in zoos, racetracks and laboratories. In addition to private practice, numerous career paths are available to veterinarians. These include public health, pharmaceutical and biomedical research, zoo and aquarium medicine, wildlife medicine and rehabilitation, teaching, and military service. Veterinarians are employed by state and federal government agencies, private industry, universities and teaching hospitals, and the Army Veterinary Corps.

Admission to a professional program in veterinary medicine is highly competitive. Two to four years of college courses are required to complete the admission requirements for admission to veterinary school. Most Veterinary programs will accept applications for admission after completion of both the CMU program and either GRE or MCAT examination.

Before or during the first semester of college, students should make an appointment with a Pre-Veterinary advisor at CMU to outline a program of study that will satisfy the course requirements for application to veterinary programs.

Recommended Course of Study

The choice of a major is not critical, but careful planning is needed if one is to move effectively towards being a successful veterinary school applicant. The following abbreviated schedule indicates some of the recommended courses for a student interested in veterinary medicine. All students should consult with the pre-vet advisor during their first semester on campus.

First Semester:

BIO 111Foundations of Evolution and Diversity


CHM 131General Chemistry I


ENG 101Introductory Composition



MTH 107College Algebra


or higher



Elective, see advisor


Graduate Record Examination (GRE): This test, required by many Veterinarian programs, is usually administered as a computerized exam offered throughout the year. Student can register for the exam online and should plan on preparing for the exam three months before the scheduled test date.

Application to Veterinary Schools: These materials should be obtained and prepared during the spring semester prior to the application process, which normally occurs during the summer. Most veterinary schools use the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS). This application service can be found online.