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History, World Languages, and Cultures, Department of

Course Designators:  ARB, FLN, FRN, GER, HST, SPN, CHN, GRK, JPN, LAT, OJB, POR, RUS

For information, please contact the chairperson, 989-774-3374, Powers Hall 106

Why Study History, World Languages, and Cultures?

The study of history, world languages, and cultures (HWLC) is a critical part of a university education and an excellent preparation for a wide range of careers. HWLC courses provide an understanding of the political, cultural, social, and economic life of past and current civilizations, helping us understand the world in which we live. A major or minor in history or world languages provides a broad education that informs and shapes the thinking of the entire person. HWLC minors, in particular, offer an excellent balance to specialized vocational and pre-professional studies. A HWLC major or minor also provides direct preparation for graduate study leading to an M.A. or Ph.D. degree and to careers in areas such as teaching; research; interpreting; translating; museum, library, or archival work; management; government; travel, tourism, and hospitality; and the law. Particularly in conjunction with coursework in business, economics, sociology, political science, and mathematics, such knowledge and skills are also excellent undergraduate preparation for graduate work in management, business administration, or journalism.

History, World Languages, and Cultures at CMU

The Department of History, World Languages, and Cultures offers a variety of courses that introduce students to the multifaceted discipline of history as well as to American, African, Asian, European, Latin American, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern languages and civilizations. HWLC majors and minors can be taken on a variety of teaching and non-teaching degrees. The department participates in an interdisciplinary major in social sciences and social studies, and in minors in military science and women’s studies. Additionally, the department offers a Master of Arts in History, with an option to enroll in an accelerated program beginning in the junior year of undergraduate study. World language students with no previous language experience in French, German, or Spanish should begin with a language course numbered 101. Students with previous language experience must take the placement exam. In each language the course sequence is 101, 102, 201, 202. If you have any questions regarding your placement, contact the department to get connected with a HWLC language advisor.

Study Abroad 

Students can register at CMU to study abroad at the following institutions:

French in Aix-en-Provence, France at the Institut Américain Universitaire (IAU); in Pau, France with the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC); in Chicoutimi, Québec at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. 

German in Lüneburg, Germany with the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC); in Berlin, Germany with FUBest; in Bochum, Germany at Ruhr-Universität; in Heidelberg, Germany at the CEPA. In addition, three year-long exchange scholarships for study in Germany are available to eligible German majors. 

History at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands; at Ruhr-Universität in Bochum, Germany; and other exchange institutions. Three substantial scholarships are also available for history majors studying abroad for a semester or more. 

Japanese in Hikone at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities, and in Nara at Nara University of Education.

Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the ISA Universidad del Salvador, or API Universidad Torcuato di Tella; in Valparaiso, Chile at the Pontificia Universidad Católica; in Heredia, Costa Rica at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica; in La Habana, Cuba at the API Universidad de la Habana; in Santiago, Dominican Republic at the ISA Pontificia Universidad Católica; in Quito, Ecuador at the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito; in Querétaro, México at the ITESM Tecnólogico de Monterrey; in Pamplona, Spain at the Universidad de Navarra.

Arabic, Chinese, and Portuguese: Study abroad opportunities are also available for those studying Arabic, Chinese, or Portuguese.

Credit for courses abroad is arranged in consultation with advisors from the World Languages and Cultures faculty and the director of the Office of Global Engagement. Guaranteed student loans, Pell grants and other financial aid plans are available for programs abroad.

The Faculty

Maiko Bronson, N. Christine Brookes, Michelle Cassidy, María Chouza-Calo, Jennifer Demas, Lane Demas, Kathleen Donohue, Leïla Ennaïli, Carrie Euler, Brittany Fremion, Solomon Addis Getahun, Carolina Gutiérrez-Rivas, Mitchell K. Hall, Doina Harsanyi, Luz Marcela Hurtado, Krzysztof Kulawik, Jay Martin, Tara McCarthy, Roberto Mendoza-Farías, Timothy O’Neil, Jennifer Quick, Amy Ransom, Alejandra Rengifo, Daniela Richter, Gregory Smith, Jonathan Truitt, Andrew Wehrman

The Programs

History Major (B.A., B.S.)

History Minor (Non-Teaching)

Public History Major (B.A., B.S.)

History Major (B.S.Ed. Secondary)

History Minor (B.S.Ed. Secondary)

French Major

French Minor

German Major

German Minor

Spanish Major

Spanish Minor

Undergraduate Certificate in Translation (English and Spanish)

Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Certificates: