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Planned Experiences

The planned experiences credit option provides a flexible learning format which can be tailored to fit particular student objectives. This learning option also allows the student to take full advantage of all instructional resources available. The student should consult their academic advisor to develop a planned experience and should consider the following guidelines:

  1. The experience must develop skills not previously acquired by the student.
  2. Planned experience credit will not be granted for work or study in which the student was involved prior to enrolling in the planned experience.
  3. The experience may be graded on a credit/no credit basis at the student’s request and with the faculty reviewer’s approval.
  4. The student may earn no more than 30 semester hours of credit through planned experiences. No more than 15 semester hours of credit may be earned for a single planned experience.

The following course numbers and titles are used to record credit granted for planned experiences:

CDE 291 Planned Experience in Community Development (1-15)

CDE 491 Planned Experience in Community Development (1-15)

CEL 291 Planned Experience in Administration (1-15)

CEL 491 Planned Experience in Administration (1-15)