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Office of Student Affairs

Shaun Holtgreive, Interim Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Ronan Hall 290; 989-774-3346;

The Office of Student Affairs provides coordination of student service programs and serves as an advocate for students and their concerns. The student services staff promotes a campus atmosphere that fosters intellectual and personal growth of students. Student Affairs encourages students to communicate their needs and interests to enhance the quality of programs, services, and student life. Students may contact the Office of Student Affairs for assistance with courtesy notifications to instructors regarding extended absence from campus due to illness or other personal issues.

The Office of Student Affairs coordinates student development experiences and co-curricular activities for students, as well as enhances the interaction, cooperation, and collaboration of student service units with the academic deans and departments. The office enables the university to focus on fostering students’ intellectual, professional, and social development.

Office of Student Activities and Involvement

Students connect with many aspects of university life through the Office of Student Activities and Involvement. Students may contact the Office of Student Activities and Involvement for assistance with policies and procedures, such as the weekly STUDENTNEWS e-mail distribution.

Student Activities and Organizations. CMU provides students with opportunities to become involved in more than 400 student organizations. Activities outside the classroom are an integral part of the total development process, and students are encouraged to take part in activities of interest to them. A wide range of interests can be pursued through organizations that focus on social issues, student governance, pre-professional development, entertainment, community service, hobbies, club sports, or religion. Involvement in student organizations is an excellent way to develop leadership skills. Many academic departments sponsor student organizations and honor societies. Fraternities and sororities exist on CMU’s campus to provide opportunities for social and service experiences. Additionally, each residence hall has a hall council or association which provides social and educational programs or events for residents of a respective hall.

The Student Government Association (SGA) is recognized as the representative governing body for CMU students. By becoming active in SGA, any student can participate in the formation of policies, procedures, and programs which affect their education. The Student Government Association represents the interests and needs of all students, whether its focus is on new ideas or a concern to the university community. People who have an interest in working with an issue that relates to the student body or are interested in serving on university committees may contact SGA. SGA elections are held every year to select officers and representatives; however, any student may participate in committees without being an elected member

The Student Involvement Center (SOC), located on the lower level of the Bovee University Center acts as a gathering place for student organizations on campus. Here you will find offices for Program Board (PB), Student Government Association (SGA), Residence Hall Assembly (RHA), and Alternate Breaks (AB).

Students interested in participating in campus activities should contact the Office of Student Activities and Involvement. See for more information.

Program Board. Program Board is a student committee which reports to the Office of Student Activities and Involvement. It is a learning experience for students interested in all aspects of the entertainment field, such as contract negotiations, marketing, promotions, graphic design, and special events. Program Board plans, schedules, and conducts social and educational events that occur outside of the classroom, and complement the academic curriculum. Programming includes performing artists and speakers, as well as major concerts and films. Students have the opportunity to participate in selecting which performers come to campus, and to learn how to effectively plan and co-sponsor events with other campus organizations.

Office of Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct upholds the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures (the Code). The Office of Student Conduct is committed to ensuring students due process through a fair and just educational experience. Located Ronan Hall, you may contact the Office of Student Conduct to ask questions, file a disciplinary report, or to make an appointment with a Conduct Proceedings Officer. Contact 989-774-1345 or

University Policy for Student Conduct . The university’s philosophy of a student’s relationship to CMU is expressed in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Disciplinary Procedures (see Appendix I).

Sexual Aggression Services. The Sexual Aggression Services Director, through the Office of Student Affairs, coordinates services and educational programs on campus relating to sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. The university encourages a proactive approach to this problem through educational programs and counseling to both men and women. Concerns and reports of sexual aggression should be made to the Office of Student Conduct, the CMU Police Department, the Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity Title IX Coordinator, a counselor in the Counseling Center, or SAPA (Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates). For more information , see