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Additional Guidelines for the Competencies

  1. A student must meet the requirements in each of the competency areas described in the Undergraduate Bulletin under which the student graduates.
  2. A student attempting to satisfy a specific competency requirement in a given academic year will use the method(s) and requirement(s) in their bulletin year.
  3. A competency requirement in a specific area, once satisfied, remains valid until the student graduates.
  4. If the chairperson of the department most directly concerned with a competency judges that a student has satisfied a competency requirement by means other than those described above, that chairperson will certify in writing to the Registrar that the student has satisfied the requirement. These competencies and departments include:
    • Writing Competency - Department of English Language and Literature;
    • Oral English Competency - Department of Communication or Department of Theatre and Dance;
    • Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning Competency - Department of Mathematics.