Physical Education and Sport (PES, PED)
For information, please contact the chairperson, 989-774-6679, SAC 194;
Why Study Physical Education and Sport?
In your daily life, you regularly utilize human movement. In fact, if your physical abilities are compromised at all, on either a temporary or permanent basis, your dependence on physical movement is readily apparent.
You can study physical education and sport no matter what your interest level - from thorough study of kinesiology (the study of physiology and human movement) to participation in a particular sport for the purpose of personal enjoyment. If you are interested in developing your fullest potential through the unique medium of human movement, you are interested in physical education and sport.
Physical Education and Sport at CMU
Programs in physical education and sport at CMU focus on: (1) the preparation of students to allow them to pursue careers in health and physical education, sport and related professions; (2) the in-depth study of physical education and sport; and (3) the teaching of basic skills in a wide range of activities.
Curricular offerings lead to the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Arts, and Master of Arts in Sport Administration. The degree programs can prepare you for a career in physical education, athletic coaching, and sport management. Interdisciplinary programs may meet your needs if you have sport-related career goals. Many classes involve active participation in sport and fitness activities.
PED Limitation
PED-designated courses are subject to a limitation of six (6) hours toward curricular requirements for graduation.
The Faculty
Steven E. Adler, H. Ray Allen, Daniel E. Ballou, Judy P. Chandler, Andrew S. Criswell, Rick C. Ferkel, Kevin M. Fisher, Scott R. Hirko, Marcia J. Mackey, Vincent E. Mumford, Tracy W. Olrich, Benjamin R. Rollenhagen, Janet L. Smith, Scott J. Smith, Stephen M. Thompson
The Programs
Health and Physical Education Major
Physical Activity Specialist Major
Sport Management Major
Sport Management Minor
Athletic Coaching Minor