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Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences (ACT, STA, DAS)

For information, please contact the chairperson, 105 Pearce Hall 

Why Study Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences?

Statisticians use data to make informed decisions. Actuaries find ways to manage risk. Data Scientists manage big data and search for insights from big data. As a statistician, actuary, or data scientist, your problem-solving expertise will allow you to make contributions to many areas such as business, industry, government, education, and more. The study of statistics, actuarial and data sciences include comprehensive training in thinking, reasoning, computing, and problem-solving skills. These skills will strengthen your education, make you a well-rounded individual and enhance your appeal to employers worldwide. Statistician, actuary and data scientist have become some of the most in-demand careers in the STEM field. The employment rate is projected to grow over 30% from 2018 to 2026, and they are among the fastest growing professions. According to the U.S. News & World Report’s “2018 Best Jobs Ranking,” these three areas are ranked among the top ten best jobs.

Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences at CMU

The Department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences provides an undergraduate major (B.A. or B.S.) and minor in statistics and a major (B.A. or B.S.) in actuarial science. Depending on preference, a student may prepare to become an actuary, statistician or data scientist, or prepare for graduate work in statistics or data science. The Actuarial major offers courses to prepare students for the actuarial Exam P, Exam FM, Exam IFM, and Exam LTAM administered by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS). The graduate programs include a Ph.D. in Statistics and Analytics, an M.S. in Applied Statistics and Analytics, a Graduate Certificate in Data Mining and a Graduate Certificate in Actuarial Science. Requirements for graduate programs are detailed in the Graduate Studies Bulletin.

In addition, service courses are provided for programs throughout the university, and a number of courses meet the mathematics competency and quantitative reasoning requirements.

The Faculty

Mohamed Amezziane, Chin-l Cheng, Kahadawala Cooray, John Daniels, Felix Famoye, Carl Moun-Shen Lee (Chair), Jungsywan Sepanski, Daniel X. Wang

The Programs

Statistics Major

Statistics Minor

Actuarial Science Major