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Curricular Programs

This section describes the curricular programs available through Global Campus. Because each program is structured to meet the needs of the group being served, not every degree program, certificate, or option is available at every program center. Specific information about individual program offerings is available in center offices. A general listing of the programs available at centers can be found at

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Students wishing to earn their baccalaureate degree at Central Michigan University via it’s Global Campus may do so in multiple ways. A student may elect to participate in the classroom-based courses offered at program centers. Other students may choose to complete courses through various distance learning activities. Many students combine the two approaches. Whichever approach the student elects, the student's progress toward the degree will be monitored by an academic advisor who will be assigned at the time of admission.

Undergraduate Degree Offerings

Requirements must be met in specific areas of study and a selected area of concentration. Undergraduate degrees require satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit and must meet the requirements of general education and the major. At least 30 semester hours must be earned with Central Michigan University. Programs are designed in consultation with an academic advisor.

Undergraduate credit may be earned in these areas by successful completion of courses, examination in the specified areas, or presentation of documented prior learning assessment credit.

Undergraduate degree options delivered outside the state of Michigan are available through CMU Online.

Degrees include:

  • Bachelor of Applied Arts (majors: Administration: Industrial Administration and Organization Administration; Early Childhood Development and Learning Major; Entrepreneurship; Fashion Merchandising and Design Major: Product Development and Visual Merchandising concentrations; or Organizational Leadership Major)
  • Bachelor of Science with an option in Community Development with concentrations in Community Services, Health Sciences, and Public Administration
  • Bachelor of Science (majors: Administration: Industrial Administration and Organization Administration concentrations; Early Childhood Development and Learning Major; Fashion Merchandising and Design Major: Product Development and Visual Merchandising concentrations; International Relations Major; Organizational Leadership Major; Political Science Major; Psychology Major; or Public and Nonprofit Administration Major)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: General Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Ed.) degree, Elementary Emphasis: Early Childhood Development and Learning or Integrated Science. This degree is available in Traverse City, Michigan. Please contact an advisor.
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing