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Education: Training and Development Concentration, M.A.

College of Education and Human Services

Note: Currently the M.A. degree in Education is only offered through Global Campus locations or CMU Online.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30-34 hours

The Master of Arts degree in Education is designed to provide knowledge and skills for individuals required to function effectively in various positions of educational leadership. This is not a certification program for educators, as it presumes the individual is already trained and qualified in the technical aspects of her or his field.

The MA degree in Education program requires the student to complete a core of 9 semester hours, which includes an integrating experience (Capstone Project, Field Study, or Thesis). An additional 21-25 semester hours must then be completed with specific courses determined by the academic advisor. All candidates for the MA must complete a minimum of 30-34 semester hours.

For information: Kaleb G. Patrick, Ed.D., Director, 195 Ojibway Court, EHS 314, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859; 989-774-3144,

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards


See Master of Arts in Education (Core) for more information.

Program Requirements

Program Core

See Master of Arts in Education (Core) for:

Program Core I (3 hours)

Program Core II (6-9 hours)

Training and Development Concentration

This program is designed to provide knowledge and skills for individuals to function effectively in positions of leadership or teaching in the adult education environment. This is not a certification program for teachers or administrators but may be utilized for professional advancement.

Required Courses (21 hours)

EDL 612Methods and Techniques of Training and Development


EDL 620Administration Within Diverse Populations


EDL 624Planning for Instruction in Nontraditional Settings


EDL 626The Adult Learner


EDL 710Action Research


EDL 751Program Evaluation and Review


EDL 760Leadership Theory and Practice


Total: 30 semester hours