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English Language and Literature: Creative Writing Concentration, M.A.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30 hours

This program is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to teach English at a community college, for students seeking preparation for advanced study at the doctoral level at another university, or for students teaching English at the secondary level who wish to pursue more study in the discipline.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

GPA: 3.0 (and 3.0 in major)

Entrance Exam: N/A

Internat'l Application Deadline: July 1 (Fall), Oct. 1 (Spring)

See Admission Requirement Details Below

To become a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts in English Language and Literature, a student normally will be expected to have had an undergraduate major or minor in English with a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a four point scale and a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. For applicants whose native language is not English, a TOEFL score of 550 (213 CBT) and a TWE of at least 5, or a MELAB of 85, are required for admission.

The student must submit a portfolio of original poetry or fiction for approval before selecting this concentration.

Program Requirements

Required Courses I (6 hours)

Professional Methodologies

ENG 535Seminar in Literary and Cultural Theory


ENG 602Introduction to Graduate English Studies


Required Courses II (9 hours)

Literature Seminars

Select 9 hours from the following:

ENG 635Seminar in English Literature


ENG 656Seminar in American Literature


ENG 665Seminar in Comparative World Literatures


Note: At least one of these seminars must focus on literature before 1800.

Required Courses III (6 hours)

Workshop Courses

Select 6 hours from the following:

ENG 591Seminar: Writing Fiction


ENG 592Seminar: Writing Poetry


ENG 691Seminar: Writing Fiction


ENG 692Seminar in Writing Poetry


Required Courses IV (3 hours)

Craft Courses

Select one of the following:

ENG 694The Craft of Fiction


ENG 695The Craft of Poetry


Unrestricted Electives (6 hours)

Hours authorized by the advisor and planned with the student.

Capstone Portfolio Project

The MAELL in Creative Writing requires a Plan B portfolio. Students will need to submit a portfolio of written materials in the semester immediately prior to graduation.

Total: 30 semester hours

Accelerated Master of Arts in English Language & Literature: Creative Writing Concentration

Admission Standards

(Currently enrolled CMU Undergraduate Students only.)

Student must be a signed major in English or a related field.

  1. Maintain an overall cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 and a grade of 3.25 or higher in at least two of the following courses: ENG 294WI, ENG 301WI, ENG 391WI, ENG 392WI, ENG 491WI, ENG 492, ENG 493.
  2. Submit a writing sample and cover letter (for more details, contact the Department of English Language & Literature at 989-774-3171).
  3. Obtain written approval from the Chair of the Department of English Language & Literature.
  4. Obtain graduate school approval of courses selected to double count on both the BA/BS and MA.

Retention Standards

Maintain of a 3.25 GPA in English courses. Students who fail to maintain a 3.25 GPA in English courses in two successive semesters will be removed from the accelerated program.

Students considering an accelerated MA program should be aware that their financial aid may be affected for courses double counting on the BA/BS and MA Contact the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid for information at 989-774-3674 or