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Non-Degree Guest Admission

Admission Requirements. If you are a student who is regularly matriculated at an accredited college or university and in good academic standing, you may be admitted as a guest. A guest student is urged to have the courses that he or she plans to take approved in advance by the home institution to which the student plans to transfer the CMU credits. A guest student must have at least a C average at the home institution in college-level courses. Your guest admission is valid for only one university semester or session at a time. Guest applicants who have completed fewer than 30 semester hours to date may be requested to provide additional evidence of academic readiness.

When to Apply. You should apply well in advance and at least one month prior to the start of classes.

How to Apply. Guest applications are available at all Michigan colleges or by request from the CMU Admissions Office, or at If you wish to register as a guest in more than one semester or session, you must submit a new guest application for each session in which you wish to take courses.

Auditing Courses

A CMU student interested in taking an undergraduate course on an audit basis must obtain, prior to registration, the approval of the department chairperson offering the course. An Approval to Audit Request Card, signed by the student and the department chairperson, must be filed in the Registrar’s Office or Student Services Court by Friday of the third week of class.

No credit is granted for a course being audited, but such credit as the course normally would carry is included as part of the student’s total load, and fees are assessed accordingly. No change from regular registration to audit, or from audit to regular registration is permitted after the published deadlines.

The student’s responsibility to the class being audited is determined by the department chairperson and the instructor of the class. For more information, see Auditing Course Fee.