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Most dental school have the following minimum requirements of one year each in: general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, physics, and English. All of the above science classes must include a laboratory. Some schools recommend other courses. Further information about these requirements and other pertinent information concerning dental schools may be obtained from the advisor and from a book entitled ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools.

Recommended Course of Study

The choice of a major is not critical, but careful planning is needed if one is to move effectively towards being a successful dental school applicant. The following abbreviated schedule indicates some of the recommended courses for a student interested in dentistry. All students should consult with the pre-dentistry advisor during their first semester on campus.

First Semester:

BIO 111Foundations of Evolution and Diversity


CHM 131General Chemistry I


ENG 101Freshman Composition



MTH 107College Algebra


or higher



Elective, see advisor


Dental Admission Test (DAT): Dental school applicants must also score well on the Dental Admission Test. This test, required by most dental schools, is usually administered as a computerized exam offered year round. Students can register for the exam online. It is strongly suggested that students plan on taking this test between April and June, just prior to the beginning of the application process.

Application to Dental Schools: These materials should be obtained and prepared during the spring semester prior to the application process, which normally occurs during the summer. Most dental schools use the ADEA Associated American Dental School Application Service (AADSAS). This application service can be found online.