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Health and Physical Education Major, B.S. in Ed., Standard Secondary Certificate

B.S. in Education, Standard Secondary Certificate 

If you have a passion for health, fitness, and working with people to improve their quality of life, a degree in health and physical education is right for you. Currently, the health trends of our nation continue to decline as obesity, hypokinetic disease, mental health issues, substance abuse, and many more health complications are rising. As a health and physical educator, you will be prepared to be the front line of defense to educate and induce behavioral change in K-12 students to improve their health and wellbeing for a lifetime.

As a health and physical education major, you will be equipped with the following knowledge and skills to teach:

  • Health concepts such as nutrition, physical fitness, substance abuse prevention, human sexuality, and disease prevention,
  • Functional motor competency,
  • Resistance and cardiovascular training techniques,
  • Fitness plan development,
  • Lifelong physical activities.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

The major in Health and Physical Education leads to certification to teach health and physical education in grades K-12. The student must meet the following requirements:

1. Prior to declaring the major/minor, the student must have an overall 2.5 GPA.

2. To gain approval to student teach, each student must:

  • have an overall GPA of 2.7;
  • have received a grade of C+ or better in HPE 346, 348, 386, and 435;
  • have current CPR and First Aid Certification.

3. At least 15 hours of this major must be completed at CMU.

4. A minimum 2.7 GPA (B-) must be earned in all teaching majors.


Program Requirements

Required Courses (49 hours)

HPE 215WIK-12 Physical Education Programming


HPE 222Sexuality in Health Education


HPE 223Basic Health Concepts I


HPE 224Basic Health Concepts II


HPE 323Applied Skills & Methods - Individual and Team Sports


HPE 325Applied Skills & Methods in Fitness Education


HPE 340Curriculum and Planning School Health Programs


HPE 344Methods in Elementary Health and Physical Education


HPE 346Methods in Secondary Health Education


HPE 348Methods in Secondary Physical Education


HPE 386Adapted Physical Education


HPE 416Assessment in Health and Physical Education


HPE 425Clinical Experience in Health and Physical Education


HPE 435Professional Aspects in Health and Physical Education


PES 115Motor Development


PES 186QRPrinciples of Physical Fitness for Lifelong Wellness


PES 302Fundamentals of Motor Learning


Total: 49 semester hours