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Cultural and Global Studies Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.S.

The Cultural and Global Studies Minor is designed with three important purposes in mind. It will equip students with broad understanding of the contemporary global context and its implications for human experience and action. It will help students to gain deeper knowledge and understanding of at least one culture other than their own. It will also equip students with critical tools in analysis, criticism, and communication that they can use to assess and navigate cultural differences. The knowledge and competencies gained in this program will provide students with critical skills sought by 21st-century employers in a wide range of fields, including business, health professions, government, non-governmental organizations, and social service agencies. This program can also prepare students for graduate study in their field of interest.

Program Requirements

Required Courses I (3 hours)

Select one of the following:

ANT 170Cultural Anthropology


GEO 121Human Geography and Globalization


Required Courses II (3 hours)

CGL 496WISeminar in Cultural and Global Studies


Required Courses III (12 hours)

Study in Depth

Select 12 hours from one of the following Undergraduate Certificate programs. Students completing the certificate will follow the curriculum for that certificate found under the degree search tab and scrolling down to Undergraduate Certificates or in the index of the paper Bulletin). Students not completing the entire certificate must complete the required courses for that certificate in the 12 hours. They will choose additional electives in consultation with a CGS advisor.

  • African and African Diaspora Studies
  • American Indian Studies
  • Cultural Competency
  • East Asian Studies
  • European Studies
  • Human Geography
  • Latin American and Latino Studies
  • Middle East and Islamic Studies

Note: Students completing the certificate will follow the curriculum for that certificate.

Required Courses IV (6 hours)

Select one of the following options:

Option A (6 hours)

Language study in area of certification.

Option B (6 hours)

Select 6 hours from the following:

ANT 205/SOC 205Social Justice in a Global Society


ENG 333Literatures of Non-Western Cultures


HST 201World History to 1500


HST 202World History since 1400


PSC 150Introduction to International Relations


PSC 242Introduction to Comparative Politics


REL 101World Religions: An Introduction to the Study of Religion


Note: Students may substitute appropriate courses, including a single 3-4 hour language course, with a global focus outside the area of certification in consultation with a CGL advisor.

Total: 24 semester hours