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Academic Information and Supports


An online orientation is available for students admitted to Graduate Studies at and is available at the student's convenience.

Academic Load

Graduate Studies considers the following a normal course load:

  • Full-time resident student fall or spring semesters: 9-12 graduate credit hours
  • Full-time resident student summer semester: 4-6 graduate credit hours
  • Graduate Assistants fall or spring semesters: 6 credit hours
  • Graduate Assistants summer semester: 1 credit hour

A graduate student may not enroll for more than 15 graduate credit hours in the fall or spring semester, nor may the student enroll for more than 15 graduate credits in the two summer sessions combined. Exceptions to the limitation are automatic for programs that require more graduate credits in a given semester. Students should check with their department to learn if their department requires additional graduate credit hour registration. Other exceptions require the graduate advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

To qualify for financial benefits as a full-time student under programs of the Social Security Administration and/or for certain loan agreements, students must carry a  minimum of nine credit hours during the fall and/or spring semester.  For shorter sessions, contact the financial aid office. To qualify for financial benefits as a full-time student under programs of the Veteran’s Administration, please refer to Rate of Pursuit in the Military and Veteran Services section for information on minimum loads for full-time status.

Unless financial or immigration requirements necessitate defining a minimum number of hours for status as a full-time graduate student, there is no minimum load requirement for graduate studies. It is expected that students will assess need, ability, and other factors judiciously and register for a class load that permits them to maintain academic standards.

In order to use CMU resources (e.g., computers, laboratories, equipment, faculty) during the regular academic year, graduate students must be registered for a minimum of one credit hour.

See "Continuous Registration" for more information.

Academic Supports

Center for Community Counseling and Development

The Center for Community Counseling and Development provides counseling and assessment services for community residents and schools and CMU students. Advanced graduate students in counseling ordinarily perform these services under the supervision of the counselor education faculty members. Some services provided are: individual counseling for children, adolescents and adults; family and couples counseling; play therapy for children; general counseling for emotional problems and life adjustment concerns; career and employment counseling; referral help in finding appropriate services for identified problems; and consultation with community agencies and schools. In addition to serving the needs of referrals during the school year, the Center for Community Counseling and Development provides counseling and consultative services during the summer months. The Center for Community Counseling and Development is administered by the Department of Counseling and Special Education and may be reached at 774-3532; 322 EHS Building.

Psychological Training and Consultation Center

The Psychological Training and Consultation Center (PTCC) is a CMU training clinic which offers low cost psychological services, including psychotherapy and psychological assessment, to CMU students and community residents. Services are provided by CMU Psychology graduate students who are training at PTCC, and they are supervised by Psychology Department faculty. In addition, specialty services are offered through PTCC, including the Violence Reduction Treatment Program, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Trauma and Anxiety Disorders Clinic, Neuropsychological Assessment Clinic, School Psychology Specialty Clinic, and the Learning Acceleration Program. For further information, or to request ser­vices, call 989-774-3904.

Speech Language and Hearing Clinics

The Speech, Language and Hearing Clinics are operated by the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders at CMU and facilities in the Central Michigan area, and are part of the Carls Center for Clinical Care and Education. They emphasize complete programs in evaluation, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of children and adults with communication disorders. The academic and clinical service programs in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology are nationally recognized by full accreditation from the Council of Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. In addition, the Audiology program is the first in the USA to be nationally recognized by full accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education of the American Academy of Audiology.

The Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders offers students in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology diverse clinical opportunities. Practicum experience may include medical care facilities, educational settings, preschool language programs, hospital clinics, voice clinics, otolaryngologists’ offices, and adult work activity centers. Students completing the programs in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology fulfill the academic and clinical requirements for the Certificate of Clinical Competence issued by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The Carls Center for Clinical Care and Education, Health Professions Building, 989-774-3904.

The Career Development Center

The Career Development Center is located in Ronan 240 and can be reached at 989-774-3068 or The Career Development Center works with students and graduates on career advising and job search strategies. The office helps students who are seeking advice on their career path along with helping to develop job-seeking skills, writing resumes, and interviewing techniques. An extensive career website is provided for use by all main campus students and alumni. The website contains general career information, tips for seeking jobs, and Handshake for managing your job search, seeking employment opportunities and networking.

The center also coordinates recruiting on CMU's main campus by businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions and serves as a clearinghouse for employment opportunities. For more information, see

Certified Testing Center

The Certified Testing Center, located in Park Library, provides testing services for students. This includes CLEP testing, testing for competencies, and graduate entrance examinations, as well as other tests. Call 989-774-1092 for additional information or visit the website at