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Academic Background

Your academic success at Central Michigan University is greatly enhanced when your preparation includes a solid academic foundation. To prepare for university admission and academic challenge, you will want to strive for high achievement in rigorous subjects.

Recommended high school background:

English4 years
Fine and Performing Arts2 years or more
Foreign Language2 years or more
Mathematics4 years
Biological and Physical Science4 years
History and Social Science4 years
Computer Literacy1 year

A student may enter Central Michigan University at the beginning of any one of the following annual sessions:

Fall Semester(August - December, 16 weeks)
Spring Semester(January - May, 16 weeks)
Summer Session I(May - June, 6 weeks)
Summer Session II(June - August, 6 weeks)

Your admission and matriculation at this university are privileges with certain responsibilities. The university reserves to itself, and the student concedes to the university, the right to cancel admission and matriculation and to require withdrawal whenever it becomes evident that the student is not conforming to the standards of scholarship or conduct established by the university.

You may be admitted in one of the following ways: