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History Major, B.S. in Education, Standard Secondary Certificate

B.S. in Education, Standard Secondary Certificate

For majors who wish to teach on the secondary level:

  1. A student must have completed at least 30 hours of his or her History major, including HST 300 and HST 400. To be exempt from HST 300, a student must have advisor approval.
  2. Transfer credit will be accepted from regionally accredited institutions, but at least 6 of the hours must be CMU classes. At least 12 of the required credit hours must have been received within ten years of application for student teaching.
  3. Both majors and minors must complete a department student teaching evaluation form. In addition, students must furnish transcripts showing all history course credits.
  4. Students are urged to take HST 400 the semester before student teaching. Students are also urged to have taken as preparation for HST 400 at least 5 hours of secondary education course work, including a course in psychological foundations of education.
  5. Students must receive CR for HST 300 or a grade of C+ or higher in HST 400.
  6. The department recommends that students planning to teach history in secondary schools major in history.
  7. A minimum of a 3.0 GPA is required in history major courses to enroll in HST 400 and to be approved for student teaching.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

  1. Students planning or considering a major or minor in history are urged to consult with an advisor as early as possible in their college careers. Students may select any history faculty member to serve as advisor.
  2. Six (6) hours of Credit/No Credit in history courses will be accepted in the major or minor, but these hours may not be in 400 level or 500 level courses.
  3. Survey or introductory courses (when transferred from another college or university) are accepted for no more than 3 hours per course on the major or minor.
  4. History majors, particularly those planning to do graduate work in history, are strongly urged to include two years of foreign language study in their undergraduate programs.
  5. History majors and minors planning to do graduate work in history are strongly urged to take both the general aptitude and advanced history tests of the Graduate Record Examination early in their senior year. These examinations are generally required for admission to graduate schools.
  6. Credit Limitation. Courses in the department that are subject to graduate credit limitation under the policy covering unspecified content or variable credit include HST 532, 590, 595, 597, 601, 690, and 791.
  7. The history department does not accept the CLEP examination for credit toward a major or minor.
  8. Up to 6 hours of credit for AP examinations will be approved as follows: three credits for a score of four for History (American) in HST 111 or History (European) in HST 102; or 6 credits for a score of five for History (American) in HST 111 and HST 112 or History (European) in HST 101 and HST 102.
  9. The History Department strongly urges all history majors and minors to study abroad, particularly those planning to teach history or to go on to graduate study. Students are encouraged to meet with a department study abroad faculty advisor or an Office of Study Abroad advisor as early as possible.

Program Requirements

Core Courses (22 hours)

HST 111The Quest for Liberty: The United States to 1865


HST 112The Struggle for Equality: The United States, 1865-Present


HST 201World History to 1500


HST 202World History since 1400


HST 301The Craft of History


HST 302Comparative Environmental History


HST 496WIResearch Seminar


Note: Another seminar may be substituted for HST 496WI, but must be approved by advisor.

Methods Courses (5 hours)

HST 300A Mid-tier Experience for History Majors: Teaching History in Secondary


HST 400Teaching History in Secondary Schools


Restricted Electives (12 hours)

Select one HST course at the 100-599 level.

Select one HST course at the 300-599 level.

Select one HST course at the 500-599 level. Note: HST 590 cannot be used for this requirement.

Select one from the following:

HST 320United States Social History to 1865


HST 321United States Social History since 1865


HST 323History of Native Americans


HST 324'Death is Better than Slavery': African American History to 1877


HST 325'By Any Means Necessary': African American History, 1877-Present


HST 226/WGS 226From Trials to Women’s Liberation: Women in America


Note: One of the Restricted Electives must be outside U.S. History.

Total: 39 semester hours