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CMU Online

Students interested in taking courses through CMU Online must be admitted to Central Michigan University prior to registration. Those students applying veterans educational benefits toward tuition of a course should contact CMU’s Veterans’ Resource Center for information regarding certification and restrictions.

Courses offered through CMU Online mirror main campus face-to-face courses in terms of their scope, study requirements and level of difficulty. Most students limit themselves to two online courses per term, especially if a student is new to independent learning, is employed full time, or has a large semester class load.

Online course delivery provides each student with a virtual classroom where lectures, multimedia study materials and class discussion are all provided using the latest technology, over the internet. Interactive online tools offer students the opportunity to connect with faculty and peers to discuss course content in cyberspace. Online courses still have specific start and end dates and assignment/exam due dates. Careful review of the course syllabus prior to the enrollment of a course will provide these dates. Questions regarding online courses may be directed to staff at