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College of Business Administration

Christopher L. Moberg, D.B.A., Dean
Karl L. Smart, Ph.D., Associate Dean

250 Grawn Hall; 989-774-3337

Associated Designators: BUS, MBA

School of Accounting
Department of Business Information Systems
Department of Economics
Department of Entrepreneurship
Department of Finance and Law
Department of Management
Department of Marketing and Hospitality Services Administration

Interdisciplinary and Interdepartmental Majors and Minors

College Mission

Our mission is to prepare students for professional success by providing an innovative, high quality, business-connected education that inspires students to excel in diverse global environments. Our degree programs reflect our dedication to provide active student learning that develops the knowledge and skills necessary for student success. The college encourages this environment beyond the classroom through active professional student organizations and strong student support services. Business students are encouraged to seek meaningful experiences in the business community and to willingly adapt to the rapidly changing business environment. 

The College of Business Administration offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs that are professionally accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International). The accreditation assures quality business programs and the ability to attract excellent faculty with extensive professional teaching experience. AACSB International is the premier accrediting agency for bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in business administration and accounting.

Areas of Study

The College of Business Administration offers the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree (B.S.B.A.). Some programs are available on other degrees, such as: an Entrepreneurship major on the B.A.A. degree; an Economics major on the B.S. or B.A. degree, and a Law and Economics Major on the B.S. or B.A. degree. The Master of Business Administration graduate degree is available within the College of Business Administration. Other graduate programs within the College of Business include the Master of Science in Information Systems, a Master of Arts in Economics, and a Master of Entrepreneurial Ventures. Requirements for these degrees are described in the Graduate Studies Bulletin.

Students interested in a business major and/or minor should contact Business Student Services in Grawn 113 during their first semester at Central Michigan University. This office provides academic advising for business majors and minors. 

Your education in the College of Business Administration not only provides the skills you need for your first job, but also is committed to instilling in you the desire to remain current in your field for the rest of your career. Our graduates have successfully advanced to become business, government, and community leaders.

Admission, Retention & Termination Standards

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.)

Students with an interest in business will complete an application during New Student Orientation. This application will be reviewed each semester to monitor progress toward admission to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) degree in the College of Business Administration.

See the B.S.B.A. degree for admission requirements.

Majors include: 

  • Accounting Major
  • Economics Major
  • Finance Major
  • *General Business Administration Major: Applied Business
  • Communication Concentration 
  • General Management Major
  • Hospitality Services Administration Major: Hospitality Services Concentration
  • Human Resources Management Major
  • *Information Systems Major
  • International Business Major
  • Law and Economics Major
  • Logistics Management Major
  • Marketing Major
  • Marketing Major - Professional Sales Concentration
  • Personal Financial Planning Major
  • Purchasing & Supply Management Major
  • Real Estate: Development and Finance Major

*Also offered via CMU Online

Additional Information:

Students must earn admission to the B.S.B.A. degree to enroll in most courses on their major. When admission is listed as a prerequisite for a course, having a course listed on a declared major or minor does not waive the admission prerequisite for B.S.B.A. degree earners.

Other Degree Programs:

Some business programs are available on other CMU degrees. They include: Economics Major on the B.A. or B.S. degrees, the Entrepreneurship Major on the B.A.A. degree, and the Law and Economics major on the B.A. or B.S. degrees.