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Industrial/Organizational Psychology, M.A.

Minimum Totals for Graduation: 30 hours

This program is oriented toward the study of individuals in organizations and businesses with a focus on improving the well-being and productivity of the people that work there. Students learn to use research and measurement skills to solve practical workplace issues and to apply the principles of psychology to human resource and leadership challenges. Examples of areas within organizations where these get applied include talent assessment, performance management, training and development, stress management, job design, and organizational change.

The M.A. program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology is designed for part-time or full-time students. It is helpful if students have taken courses in general psychology, psychological testing, research methodology, and statistics. Completion of the program involves either a Plan A (Thesis) and Plan B (Applied Research) capstone requirement.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

Admission Requirement Snapshot

Application Deadline: February 15 (Fall)
See Admission Requirement Details Below

Admission requirements and a detailed description of the Industrial/Organizational MA program can be obtained from the Department of Psychology website. In addition to grades and GRE scores(taken within five years of application), the admissions committee is very attentive to letters of recommendation, statement of research interest, and relevant professional experiences. The M.A. degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology is based on the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate coursework. The M.A. is oriented toward training students for careers in business, government, consulting, or going on to Ph.D. programs.

Program Requirements

Required Content Courses I (9 hours)

PSY 535Organizational Psychology


PSY 536Personnel Psychology


PSY 636Advanced Personnel Psychology



Required Content Courses II (3 hours)

Select from the following:

PSY 537Organizational Behavior Management


PSY 538Occupational Health Psychology


PSY 736Interventions in Social Systems


Required Courses I - Quantitative (9 hours)

Select 9 hours from the following:

PSY 510Principles of Psychological Measurement


PSY 511Statistics in Psychology


PSY 611Research Design


PSY 612Applied Multiple Regression and Correlation


Required Courses II - Application (3 hours)

Select one of the following:

PSY 790Practicum I A: Professional Services


PSY 791Practicum I B: Professional Services


Capstone (6 hours)

Select one of the following plans:

Plan A: Thesis

PSY 798Thesis


Plan B: Applied Research

PSY 696Directed Research


PSY 890Practicum II A: Professional Services


Total: 30 semester hours