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Management Minor, B.A.; B.A.A.; B.F.A.; B.S.

This minor is designed to provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate students with varying backgrounds and career objectives.

Admission Requirements, Retention & Termination Standards

To declare a minor in Management:

  1. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 based on completion of at least 56 credit hours is required.
  2. The minor is available only to students pursuing majors outside the College of Business Administration. If you are pursuing a teaching degree you may not choose this minor.
  3. No more than a total of 27 hours of credit earned in business courses, including business transfer hours, may be counted towards graduation.
  4. Courses taken Credit/No Credit basis are not accepted on the management department minor.

Program Requirements

Required Courses (9 hours)

MGT 312Introduction to Management


MGT 320Human Resource Management


MGT 348Dynamics of Organizational Behavior


Elective Courses (12 hours)

  1. Six (6) hours from the Department of Management.
  2. Six (6) hours from the College of Business Administration.

Total: 21 semester hours